• 2024 Bond Vote on November 5

About the 2024 Bond

  • Union County Public Schools (UCPS) is committed to ensuring that all students receive a quality education in safe and efficient learning environments. 

    On Nov. 5, Union County residents will vote on $39,421,448 in school bonds. This bond package will address aging facilities at Parkwood High and East Union Middle. The schools were built in the 1950s and 1960s, and are inadequate for modern-day teaching and learning. 

    This bond will invest in pre-construction for a new Parkwood High School and a construction project that will relocate East Union Middle to the Forest Hills High campus. The 2024 bond will build on previous commitments and investments to provide modern schools for our students.

    For Parkwood High, the funding will address design work, assessments and land surveys. 

    For the East Union Middle project, the funding will provide demolition, additions and building renovations to accommodate middle school academic and athletic programming. 

    With a successful bond, more projects will move up on the priority list for capital needs and future bonds. All communities benefit when we value public schools. District improvements increase safety, support evolving educational programs and practices, modernize aging facilities and directly impact the quality of life in Union County. 

Community Meetings

    • October 3 at Parkwood High (6 p.m.)
    • October 17 at East Union Middle (6 p.m.)

Parkwood High School

  • Pre-Construction Project (approximately $10,705,804)

    • The original Parkwood High was built in the 1960s
    • Pre-construction services will include:
      • Design services for a replacement school
      • Environmental studies, land surveys and traffic impact analysis
      • Geotechnical testing to identify soil and subsurface materials
      • Site development and construction permits 

Program Contingency/Management

  • Approximately $1,148,197

    • Cost of over runs, unforeseen conditions, changes in scope on construction

East Union Middle School

  • Replacement School Project (approximately $27,567,447) 

    • Original East Union Middle was built in the 1950s 
    • Construction to relocate East Union Middle on the Forest Hills High campus 
    • Repurpose the current Forest Hills High building for East Union Middle 
    • Demolition, additions and renovations to accommodate middle school academic and athletic programming 
    • Classroom and outdoor space to align with the AgTech program 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is a bond?

  • Why do we need bonds to renovate schools?

  • Why do we need this bond?

  • What's included in the 2024 bond project list?

  • What happens if the bond doesn't pass?

  • If the bond passes on Nov. 5, when will the projects begin?

  • What are the plans for the current East Union Middle building?

  • How were the projects selected for the 2024 school bond?

  • My child's school is not on this bond. Why should I be concerned about these projects?

  • What is the estimated tax increase?

  • When is the vote for the school bond?