Student Assignment

  • The Union County Board of Education is committed to the ideal that each child should have an opportunity for an excellent education, regardless of which school attendance area is assigned. All schools shall provide equitable opportunities for learning.

Criteria for Pupil Assignments

  • In the elementary, middle, and high schools, pupil assignment will provide choice and promote equitable access to varied programmatic options for all students, maximize the utilization of facilities, transportation, and other resources, travel time from home, efficient operation of buses, maintain the continuity of attendance lines and neighborhoods and otherwise as required by law.

    Students are eligible to attend school within the district and are assigned to home schools based on the domicile of the student’s parent. A domicile may be changed only in the event that the parent has abandoned the former domicile with no intention of returning to it, established actual domicile in another location, and evidenced an intention to remain in the new location indefinitely. A minor may not select, acquire, or change his/her domicile other than that of the minor’s parent, except for the following: a married student, emancipated student, or a student living in a group home, foster home, or pre-adoptive home.

Student Transfers

  • Student transfer will be allowed for the following reasons:

    • Educational Need
    • Change of Residence
    • Home Construction
    • Children of Employees
    • Medical Necessity
    • Extreme Hardship
    • Schools Exceeding Capacity
    • Unsafe School Choice under Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
    • Sibling
    • Homeless Students
    • Students in Foster Care

    Learn more about petitioning for transfer outside of your assigned area

Foreign Exchange Student Application Guidelines

  • Responsibilities of the Sponsoring Organization

  • Requirements for Acceptance

  • Placement of Students

Student Assignment Forms

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