Patrick Ollis (Forest Hills High)
What do you teach and why did you become a teacher?
I teach Architectural Drafting and Robotics Engineering at Forest Hills High school. As an architectural designer, I worked with several large firms in North Carolina and in South Carolina prior to becoming a teacher. Being a career technology educator has given me the opportunity to share my knowledge and experience with students in the hopes of helping them achieve their goals as future architects or engineers.
How do you show your school spirit?
I am very proud to work with the administrators and fellow educators at Forest Hills. They are supportive and inspire me to reflect on how to better serve my community and our students. I love when I am presented with the opportunity to talk about CTE, the school, or the students. I will talk about the amazing activities the school is doing or the amazing education provided to the students.
What or who inspires you?
I am inspired by my family. My wife and two children and the amazing opportunities and education that UCPS has provided them. I am also inspired by my school family. The amazing opportunities that the teachers are providing in the classroom motivates me to find new ways to present my own curriculum.
In which other teacher’s class would you like to enroll for a day? Why?
I love math, but I have a passion for reading novels. I would choose either Mrs. Hornung or Mrs. Davis’s English classes because I would have more time to read some great novels and have classroom discussions.
What is one of your hidden talents?
A hidden talent would be art. I used to carry a sketch book with me when I traveled and sketch interesting architectural buildings and houses.
If you could pass on any wisdom to your students, what would you share?
Be passionate about life. “There is no passion to be found playing small, in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living” - Nelson Mandela
What is a professional motto or quote that you “work” by?
“Education is not the learning of many facts, but the training of the mind to think.” - Albert Einstein
What do you enjoy most about working in UCPS?
The students. I hope to inspire students and provide them with the confidence to achieve their goals.
If you had a superpower, what would it be?
The mystical arts. Who doesn’t like magic?
List five adjectives that describe your personality?
- Creative
- Quiet
- Sensible
- Friendly
- Resourceful