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Brooke Boucher (Cuthbertson High)

What do you teach and why did you become a teacher?

I teach science, physical science, forensics and earth science. I became a teacher because of my science teacher, Steve Teeter. He inspired my love for science and assisted in getting my first teaching job shortly after graduating from UNC Charlotte.

How do you show your school spirit?

I show my school spirit by getting involved in organizations that help support our students and staff. I am an advisor to HOSA, STUCO, and assistant coach to our newly-formed flag football team.

What or who inspires you?

My coworkers are truly an inspiration. I know that is slightly cliché, but I mean it. Our staff gives 100% every day for our students – both inside and outside of the classroom. Our admin team works diligently to provide resources and support for our team and we are constantly rising as one. Other inspirations come from my first mentor and best friend, Billie Conte, the world’s greatest chemistry teacher, Bob Ross and the Golden Girls.

In which other teacher’s class would you like to enroll for a day? Why?

If I could enroll in another teacher’s class for a day, it would be either Becky Jachym’s Spanish class or Lisa Helm’s French class. Both of these ladies exemplify teachers who put students first every day. Working alongside these two influential women has shaped many of my teaching philosophies. They are creative, engaging and empower their students to become the best versions of themselves.

What is one of your hidden talents?

I don’t really have any hidden talents, but I am sure my students wish I would hide my awfully corny jokes from them!

If you could pass on any wisdom to your students, what would you share?

If my students could take one thing away from their time with me, it would be to never stop trying. No matter what you face in life, keep going, keep trying – even when the odds are against you. I hope all my students (current and former) know that I am in their corner cheering for them and that I know they can achieve and overcome any goal or challenge.

What is a professional motto or quote that you “work” by?

My professional motto or quote would either be “there are no mistakes, just happy accidents” –Bob Ross and at the end of the day/class, I like to remind my students to “stay golden” –Golden Girls.

What do you enjoy most about working in Union County Public Schools?

I have enjoyed my five years in UCPS due to the family atmosphere that is fostered in most every event I have attended. UCPS fosters teachers and provides them with opportunities to grow and become leaders at all levels of education.

If you had a superpower, what would it be?

My superpower would be mind-reading. As a teacher, I think this would be the most useful.

List five adjectives that describe your personality?

  • Energetic
  • Charismatic
  • Conscientious
  • Driven
  • Confident