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Jordan Marmara (Parkwood Middle)

What do you teach and why did you become a teacher?

I am an eighth grade science teacher at the fantastic Parkwood Middle School. I decided to become a teacher after teaching a model lesson to elementary school students as a high school senior (as part of a three-year science research class). My teacher, who I respected greatly, told me she felt I would make a great teacher one day. I hadn’t thought about it at the time, but that moment inspired me to change majors and go into the career that I still love today.

How do you show your school spirit?

Anyone that knows me can tell you that my school wardrobe consists exclusively of Parkwood colors. More importantly, I try to show school spirit by living out our school motto “Leading by Example” the best way I can every day for my students.  Every day is a fresh start and I encourage them to try their best, and even if we don’t hit our mark, we keep going, because some progress is better than none at all. In addition to my day-to-day science teacher life, I also help coach our Science Olympiad team (which I am proud to say has qualified for the state tournament by placing first or second place in our region six out of seven times we have competed). We have the best team in the county and I am so proud of our Science Olympians making a name for themselves and our school in this competitive field.

What or who inspires you?

I’ve been inspired by so many people in my life in so many different ways.

  1. My former teachers, specifically Mr. Moniaci and Ms. Libertini, showed their passion every day in class.
  2. My wife inspires me through her determination in her craft in teaching theatre and her positive energy.
  3. My mom is another inspiration through her strength in raising my brother and I when our father passed of a terminal illness when I was 15.
  4. The team of teachers and administrators that I work with at Parkwood are always seeking to solve problems and consistently figure out what is best for our students.
  5. My students inspire me every day as well. There are so many challenges and influences that students have to deal with today. Our students come from so many different backgrounds and have to balance our expectations with their own responsibilities at home. It amazes me how capable they are by putting some of that aside and giving their all in what we ask of them.

In which other teacher’s class would you like to enroll for a day? Why?

It would be hard to pick just one because we have some great classes with some awesome teachers, but I would definitely enroll myself in robotics with Mr. Brinsfield because I am a nerd at heart and the idea of using robots and 3D printers in class would be so cool! It's not something I got to experience growing up. I would also enjoy drama class with Ms. DePietro because she’s awesome at what she does and having acting skills to teach is pretty necessary in middle school. You have to be entertaining to hold their attention and pull them in.

What is one of your hidden talents?

My friends would tell you I am pretty good at musical knowledge (songs, lyrics, artists, etc.) – a useless talent that comes in handy when I want to annoy my students with musical trivia. I also participate in auto racing in my free time.

If you could pass on any wisdom to your students, what would you share?

Perseverance is key. Working through tough problems in school prepares us for even more of life’s challenges. We can’t always succeed on our first attempt at something, so it’s important to step back, reflect on how we can improve next time, and not let it defeat us.

What is a professional motto or quote that you “work” by?

I believe in teaching “science through experience.” Science can be such an abstract concept, but I think it’s the best subject you can teach. We are able to show our students how science is all around us, from simple kitchen chemistry experiments to fascinating high-end discoveries that we can experience through technology. Giving life to scientific concepts in our standards is so important.

What do you enjoy most about working in Union County Public Schools?

UCPS really feels like a family. There are so many people supporting you and your vision as an educator. It’s a pretty big district, but feels so much smaller because of our ability to work with each other across the county and synergize. We also have a dedication to student and instructional technology that I have not seen very often when I visit other school districts across the country (in my role as a certified instructor for ExploreLearning).

If you had a superpower, what would it be?

I think it would be awesome to be able to time travel – to learn from our past, experience the future, and share knowledge of all I have seen to potentially make our society a better place.

List five adjectives that describe your personality?

  • Supportive
  • Entertaining
  • Witty
  • Principled
  • Perfectionist