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Ashley Hayes (New Salem Elementary)

What do you teach and why did you become a teacher?

I teach fourth and fifth grade students who are academically and intellectually gifted (AIG) in reading and math. 

One night while in the car riding home from dinner, my eight-year-old eyes caught a glimpse of a bus. As we drove closer to it, I noticed that there were children on the bus and many were wearing helmets. That was my first encounter that I can remember with children who were “different” from me. Something about those kids struck me in a way that I knew I wanted to help them. I could tell they were different and felt that other kids probably treated them poorly.  

Fast forward to my junior year of high school in Ms. Bishop’s marine biology class. This class did more for me than just learning about dissecting sharks. One assignment was to set up and maintain an aquarium for a semester. The aquarium I visited twice a week was housed in the bottom floor of my high school in a classroom of students with special needs. Every week I looked forward to going, not just to visit and check the aquarium fish, but to visit the students.  I taught them how to take care of the fish, but I also talked to them, read books to them, even danced with them. Yes, we danced! We had fun together in those 15-20 minutes. That is when I knew I wanted to be a teacher.  

How do you show your school spirit?

I love dressing up for spirit days! I also go to PTO functions to show my school pride. It’s always fun to see Knights outside of the classroom. My latest school spirit initiative is trying to find a way to purchase a KNIGHT mascot costume. Nothing shows school spirit like a mascot that comes to life!  

What or who inspires you?

I am inspired by all the teachers who are on the “front lines” day in and day out. The demands of the job increase every year and yet they show up and give their all. They are the heart of the school. To me, there is no more important job than a classroom teacher.  

In which other teacher’s class would you like to enroll for a day? Why?

If I could enroll in another teacher’s class, it would be Mrs. Chelsea Price's class. She teaches fourth grade at my school and my twins are in her class. I would love to be a fly on the wall and see how they are as students and around their peers. 

What is one of your hidden talents?

I would have to say one of my hidden talents I have is design. Whether it is designing my lessons, to designing my home, and everything in between. I have a knack for details.  

If you could pass on any wisdom to your students, what would you share?

If I could pass on any wisdom to my students, it would be to not sweat the small stuff, get outside and play, and find something you enjoy –and stick with it! They know this already, but I am their biggest fan!  

What is a professional motto or quote that you “work” by?

“Teach to the imagination, not the intellect.”  Father Kessler, a priest at St. Luke Catholic Church, was telling a story about when he was in seminary school and his teacher always said this quote. It resonated with me. Kids have such great imaginations, are so creative, and dream big  – let’s build on that. There is more to life than a state test.  

What do you enjoy most about working in Union County Public Schools?

I love the fact that UCPS feels like a small family. We are a large district, but it doesn’t feel that way. I also enjoy the innovation and forward-thinking ideas and initiatives that our county creates. I like being a part of something special. 

If you had a superpower, what would it be?

Time manipulation. The older I get, the quicker time seems to pass.  Also, I would love to slow down time to enjoy my three children a little longer, especially my oldest. He is a junior this year and it seems like yesterday he was starting kindergarten. Babies certainly don’t keep.  Also, with time manipulation, who wouldn’t want to relive some of their younger days?

List five adjectives that describe your personality?

  • Creative
  • Outgoing
  • Empathetic
  • Supportive
  • Giving