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Sophia Walters (Union Elementary)

What is your favorite subject in school and why?

Math is my favorite subject because it’s fun, there are lots of activities and I’m really good at it. We get to work in partners with our worksheets. We get to do something on the computer where, when we get the answers right, pieces show up and build a picture. I like solving math problems because it helps calm my brain down, too.

What's the coolest thing you've ever done in a school project or lesson?

In fourth grade, we had a social studies project, and my group studied the Cherokee and the Trail of Tears. This summer, my family and I visited Cherokee, North Carolina, in the mountains. I had already heard about the Trail of Tears, so I was excited to learn more. The most surprising thing I learned was that so many people had to leave their homes just because one person signed a piece of paper.

If you could learn any skill instantly, what would it be?

It would be cooking lots of dishes because it’s a good way to relieve stress. Following a recipe can take your mind off of things. I can cook eggs, salad, mac and cheese. I also help my mom make steak.

Would you rather be able to talk to animals or be able to speak and understand any language in the world?

I’d rather talk to animals because I have a dog and 10 chickens. I hear my dog barking all the time and I am always wondering what he is saying. The chickens squawk at each other and I’d like to know what they are saying and be part of the conversation.

What's something you're really passionate about outside of school?

I’m passionate about cheer. I’ve been doing it for three years before COVID hit and I started back up last year. I’m the flyer because I’m the shortest one there. It’s exciting to be up in the air and it feels so cool to do flips and stuff. My mom did cheer, too.

What three words best describe you?

  • Creative
  • Athletic
  • Skillful

What is your happiest school memory?

My happiest school memory was becoming a house leader last year. We have teacher house leaders who oversee all the houses, and the student house leaders help enforce the rules. We recently had a pep rally to sort the kindergartners into their houses. I was one of the leaders standing outside, directing them where to go. Being a house leader gives me a chance to be a role model. There was a younger student I walked to his house, and ever since then, every time he sees me, he smiles—and that makes me happy.

I remember when I was in Pre-K there was a girl named Delilah who would walk me to my car every day that entire year. She’s now a freshman at the same school my cousin goes to so I get to see her a lot. I really connected with her.

Note: Union Elementary’ s house system is a way of organizing students into smaller groups, or "houses," to nurture a sense of community, teamwork and belonging.

If you could pick any three people to hang out with for a day, who would it be and why?

I’d choose my grandmother and grandfather on my mother’s side, and my grandfather on my dad’s side because they passed away before I could meet them. I’d want to hang out with them to get to know how my parents were when they were growing up.