Academically or Intellectually Gifted
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Remote Learning Support for Gifted Students
As the global pandemic continues, the need for remote learning resources increases. We have curated a collection of online resources that are specifically targeted for gifted learners and learners with advanced learning needs. These resources are things educators and parents can use in the classroom, online, and/or at home. These recommendations are for free resources and do not require any cost or subscriptions to any services.
We highly recommend the following:
NCDPI Learning Labs Link (downloadable PDFs with a variety of content areas, sorted by grade level and standards-aligned)
North Carolina Association of Gifted and Talented (NCAGT) Recommended Resources (PDF with links to resources and notes for each resource, sorted by grade level)
National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) Recommended Resources (website)
NAGC Recommendations for Social-Emotional Learning Support at Home (PDF)
Daily Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Lessons (can be done at home by families)
CASEL Sample Teaching Activities to Support Core Competencies of SEL (PDF, p. 3-20)
Prufrock Press Free Webinars on Parenting Gifted Learners (website with pre-recorded and live webinar opportunties)
We would love to hear some feedback from you about these resources. Email us at