Academically or Intellectually Gifted
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AIG Teachers Recognized for Excellence
Several of our amazing AIG teachers have recently received some good news and well-deserved accolades in the form of awards and grants, and we want to celebrate them all!
After votes were tallied from her AIG peers, Brooke Kramb from Sardis was named the UCPS AIG Teacher of the Year. She also became our nominee for the NCAGT Outstanding Teacher of the Gifted award, which will be presented at the gifted organization’s 50th annual conference in Concord in March.
Additional voting took place across the county, after which Teacher of the Year honors were bestowed upon Danielle Blum at Piedmont Middle, Windy Dascenzo at Rea View Elementary, and Michelle Little at Shiloh Valley Elementary. We are so proud that the teachers in their schools chose to recognize these AIG teachers for all their hard work and dedication.
Finally, two of our elementary AIG teachers were awarded grants recently. Ann Jacob from New Town Elementary received a Union County Education Foundation grant for her Depth & Complexity project “Mosaic of the Mind”. Kristin O’Neill from Rocky River Elementary received a Bright Ideas grant from the Union Power Cooperative for her “Electric Connections in a SNAP!” project.
Congratulations to all of you ladies for your accomplishments!