Message from our Principal

  • Greetings Porter Ridge Families and Friends,

    Thank you for taking the time to visit this site and learn about Porter Ridge Middle School. It is a dynamic school that promotes academic success in a positive 21st century learning environment. Our students receive exceptional classroom instruction from highly qualified teachers who are dedicated and caring professionals. Our primary goal is to meet the academic, social, and emotional needs of all our students.

    Porter Ridge participates annually in North Carolina’s READY Accountability Program, which provides important information about all North Carolina public schools, charter schools and alternative schools that participate in state assessments. The NC Report Card includes information about school and student performance, class sizes, attendance, school safety, instructional resources, and teacher quality. Our school’s full Report Card can be found on the NC School Report Cards site.

    Our school’s End of Grade (EOG) assessment data historically has shown that our students are making academic progress and far exceeding state middle school accountability scores. Through hard work and a commitment to excellence, our students and teachers have achieved several accomplishments that we are extremely proud of.  

    Test scores are an important method used to measure accountability, and we are working diligently to nurture all students’ academic achievements. However, we still have more work to do in our efforts to prepare all students for success in a globally competitive society and ensure their social emotional growth and development. As a result, our staff will participate in ongoing professional development aimed at helping them create personalized education that engages all children in meaningful learning. In addition, teachers are using data to identify students who need academic enrichment as well as academic and social emotional support.  We are focused on meeting our students' diverse learning needs by integrating proven instructional practices with innovative 21st century instructional techniques and strategies.  Also, through a peer mentor program and advisory councils, we are developing students’ leadership capacity.

    Debbie Mayer, Principal

NC School Report Cards

  • UCPS NC Report Card

  • Porter Ridge Middle School