2023-24 Technology Fees: Union County Public Schools is committed to providing all students with the best tools they need for quality education. UCPS is proud of its 1:1 access model for students in grades 3 – 12. These students receive a Chromebook, which provides access to digital content for educational purposes.
At the start of the 2023-2024 school year, UCPS will reinstate a technology fee. Families will be responsible for paying a $30 annual technology user fee per student in grades 3 – 12. This fee includes accidental insurance coverage and will ensure that students have the most robust technology available to enhance individualized learning and resources for any necessary repairs. The technology fee will be waived for students who qualify for free lunch.
Parents will receive more information about the technology fee during the summer months and through back-to-school communication. Before next school year, we invite you to read the UCPS Student Chromebook Booklet 2023-2024 and learn about valuable resources, district guidelines, use of Chromebooks and more.