Central Academy of Technology & Arts

Kevin Beals, Principal

School Updates

  • Schedule Change Form
    The schedule change form is now open. Any student who would like to change their second semester schedule must put their request in the form. Please do not email your counselor with a request. 


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  • Weekly Athletics: Purchase tickets for home events

    CATA Athletics Protocols

    Fri (01/17)
    Basketball- Home- Monroe- 5:00/6:00/7:30 PM
    Wrestling- Away-Monroe-5:30 PM
    Indoor Track- Away- Liberty University

    Saturday (01/18)
    Indoor Track- Away- Liberty University
    Wrestling - Away - Monroe - 8:00 AM

    Tues (01/21)
    Basketball - Home - Parkwood - 5:00/6:00/7:30 PM

    Weds (01/22)
    Wrestling - Home - West Stanly, Forest Hills
    Indoor Track- Away- Anson - 3:45 PM- Dismiss - 2:10

    Thurs (01/23)
    No Events 

    Fri (01/24)
    Basketball- Away - West Stanly- 5:00/6:00/7:30 PM- Dismiss- 3:15 PM  
    Swim- Away - Wingate University RRC Championship- 7:00 PM

    Saturday (01/25)
    Wrestling - Away - West Stanly- RRC Championship - 9:00 AM                  

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  • Valentine's Day Parents' Night Out
    The CATA National Honor Society is offering a parents' night out for Valentine's Day! The deadline to sign up is 1/27/2025.
    Parents Night Out flyer

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  • New Student Absence Form
    When you click this link, you will be taken to a UCPS log-in screen. Please create an account to submit parent notes and doctor’s notes. This link is just for high school students within UCPS. When you log in and are ready to submit a note, please make sure you select Central Academy in the drop-down box. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with William Smith at william.smith@ucps.k12.nc.us

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  • 2024-2025 Student Parking Pass Application
    Parking on the CATA Campus is considered a privilege for students. Each student who drives to school must purchase his/her own parking tag, and may not share a tag with another student. CATA and UCPS will assume no responsibility for damage to private vehicles driven and parked on campus. Student drivers must have appropriate auto insurance. All student drivers must be properly licensed.
    Passes are $50.00 each (non-refundable). The process for purchasing parking passes will be done through a Google form for the 24-25 school year. Parking passes MAY NOT be purchased by any student who has outstanding fees or balances. Students must have a valid driver's license and not a permit. After completion of the application, CATA will review the submission. If the application is approved, the student will then receive a link to pay for the pass via their student UCPS email. Please allow CATA 48 hours to process applications.  Parking passes will not be passed out until the $50.00 fee is paid.
    Parking spot priority is to be assigned based on grade level, starting with 12th grade first, then 11th grade, and then 10th grade.  Students will be assigned in the order they fill out the form.  Students can select up to four desired parking spots (refer to the map in the Google form application).
    You will need to sign in to a Google account to be able to access the form.
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