

  • Site-Base Team Minutes October 2021

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  • Site-Based Leadership Team Minutes - September 2021

    Wolfe Site-Based Leadership Team Minutes

    September 20th 2021



    Ms. Babylon, Ms. Bennett, Ms. Cunius, Mr. Grandits, Ms. Herring, Ms. Lee, Ms. Polk, Mr. Pucek, Ms. Seymour, Ms. Speights, Ms. Strader, Ms. Tucker, Ms. Vose, Ms. White, Ms Hall, Ms. Nash and Mr. Deming


    1. Welcome, Introductions and update member contact information

    New members are Ms. Hall, Ms. Early, Ms. Robinson and Ms. Nash


    1. Determine dates and time of meetings for 2021-2022 school year

    The team came up with dates and times for the meeting.   September 20th, Nov. 18th, Jan. 20th, March 10th, May 19th   2:30pm Virtual


    1. Go over parent survey and discuss things that we can improve on.
    2. I am satisfied with the opportunities provided to volunteer at my child's school.  33%


    1. I am kept informed of my child's academic progress. 33%

    Overall Satisfaction- 85% second overall for Middle and High Schools

    The team decided that we will use this information when we review the improvement plan.


    1. Goals for 2021-22-Mr. Deming will share the goals from last year and the ones that were completed. Some goals are ongoing and can be refined for this school year.
    2. Leadership Team consisting of the principal, teachers who lead the Instructional teams, and other professional staff meets regularly (at least twice a month) to review implementation of effective practices.


    1. The school has established a team structure among teachers with specific duties and time for instructional planning.


    1. The LEA/School regularly looks at school performance data, aggregated classroom observation data, and uses that data to make decisions about school improvement and professional development needs. 


    1. Principal’s focus for this school year.
    2. Encourage and challenge staff to be able to look up and use the Extended Content Standards.  To be able to use these with specific evidence based practices that will be implemented to address student concerns.


    1. Staff Moral-idea’s


    1. Decide on Graduation date

    (Thursday June 9th, Wednesday June 8th or Friday June 10th) 1st choice and second choice and third choice depending on CATA’s schedule.


    1. Next Meeting and goal for the next meeting.

    Nov. 18th at 2:30pm.   Goal is to discuss and review school improvement plan.


    1. Questions or Concerns



    Important dates

    Report Cards and Progress reports sent out on Oct. 13th, Jan. 12th, April 6 and sent home June 8th.

    Oct. 13th and Feb. 9th is a half-day school release is 11:30 am

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