November 9, 2021

November 9, 2021

DLI Advisory Council Meeting


  1. Welcome and assign someone to take notes
  2. Purpose of Council
    1. To create a sense of community and to provide an opportunity for dialogue to improve the Antioch Dual Language Program.
  3. Introductions 
    1. Parent Representatives
      1. Kindergarten - Rachael Weiss 
      2. First Grade - Stephanie Fox 
      3. Second Grade - Jessica Beyer 
      4. Third Grade - Melissa LaBue 
      5. Fourth Grade -  Kimberly Crooks 
      6. Fifth Grade - Danielle Clarke & Nikki Sacks
    2. Staff
      1. Mrs. Minieri, Ms. Gutierrez, Mrs. Zapata, Ms. Guzman, Mrs. Tegard, Mrs. Arocha, Mr. Puerto, Ms. Kelly, Mrs. Barber
    3. Welcome  - Ms. Chavarria, Mrs. Aalborg and Mrs. Zamora
  4. Updates
    1. Hiring process- We have begun the process of hiring a co-teacher for the 22-23 school year. 


  1. Questions & Concerns- 
  2.  The following questions were addressed:




Several second grade parents have expressed a desire for the second graders to be mixed up for third grade to give the children an opportunity to meet more kids.


The plan is to mix up next year to create new combinations. 

I understand that this year the 5th grade DL class has a few classes taught by other teachers (science and math being the most important ones for non AIG kids). Could you please ask if that will stay the same next year? 


It is the plan for one of the 5th grade teachers to teach reading to non-AIG.

For math, either Puerto or the advanced/AIG math teacher.

For science, plan to have another teacher partner with Mr. Puerto. Vocabulary is a limiting factor.

Is there a plan to integrate our class with other classes like they used to do with Specials.  When will that be re-established?


Currently limited due to contact tracing (AIG is an exception). 4th & 5th will not be mixed due to large class sizes. Considering doing in lower grades (covid dependent). Recess co-mingling also being discussed.

a parent suggested we group DLI to see the new movie Encanto and use it as a school



Nice idea, especially including the entire school body. 

When are students assessed in English and spanish?


Kinder- assess in Spanish, beginning MOY, EOY

1st- Spanish, BOY, MOY, and EOY 

2nd grade- begin assessing in English (mClass)

4th & 5th- mClass in English

2nd & 5th- APPL assessment in Spring

Behavior Concerns

Sra. Tegard

Please talk to your children about classroom behavior, for example, chatting, disrupting class, etc. Students being together for many years builds a level of comfort with their classmates that they sometimes forget how to act in class. VIrtual learning over the last 2 years has impacted this.



Next Meeting January 25, 2022

Last Meeting March 15, 2022