Message from our Principal

  • Dear Prospect Community,

    Thank you for taking time to visit this site to learn about our school! At Prospect Elementary, we believe that every child has genius.  While test scores are one way that measures accountability, many other factors characterize a quality school.  This information is located in one place, on the North Carolina School Report Card. 

    This report card includes information about school and student performance, class sizes, attendance, school safety, instructional resources, and teacher quality. North Carolina School Report Card data will be available for each school, for each school district, and for the state's education system as a whole. For the past two years, our school has met expected growth standards for our students. We will continue to use multiple data points and support systems to identify and target student needs, utilizing research-based practices to close gaps and help students continue to grow. Our school’s full Report Card can be found on the NC School Report Cards’ website at

    The numbers only tell part of the story. We are a Leader in Me school. Our mission is to increase academic growth in all students while developing leadership skills that can be used beyond the classroom. Prospect embraces developing leadership skills in students by providing students with leadership opportunities throughout the year, whether it is through school clubs, classroom jobs, school-wide jobs, or student led initiatives. Through Leader in Me, our teachers are also empowered. We have teacher leaders involved in every aspect of our school, such as leading student groups, developing and leading professional development for our teachers, and creating engagement opportunities.

    Parent and community involvement is vital for our school’s success. We are appreciative of our dedicated parent groups and incredibly supportive community. We have volunteers that assist faculty and staff as well as provide support to students. Our PTO sponsors events throughout the year for families and collaborates with the school in supporting events and programs.     

    Prospect Elementary is very proud of the strong support and assistance from our volunteers as well as our school community.  We encourage parents and community members to be involved in our community school. There are several great ways to find out about what is happening at Prospect Elementary.  You can reach out to our staff by phone or email, we have a PTO newsletter that is sent home, and we can be found on social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram).

    Please contact the school if you have any questions and thank you for your continued support.


    Dr. Kim Chinnis


NC School Report Cards

  • UCPS NC Report Card

  • Prospect Elementary School