Message from our Principal

  •  Dear Sun Valley High Community:

    We provide regular updates to you about your student’s academic progress by sending home a Report Card for each student. Once a year, we also provide you with updates on our school’s achievements through the North Carolina School Report Card.

    This Report Card includes important information about the school and student performance, class sizes, attendance, school safety, instructional resources, and quality of teachers. There is also information about how our school measured against state and federal targets and the number of suspensions and expulsions in our school. Report data is available for our school district and for the state’s education system as a whole.

    Please visit our school’s full Report Card on the NC School Report Cards’ website at SVHS NC Report Card.  Our school district’s report is also available on the Report Card website.

    I am extremely proud of the progress that Sun Valley High has achieved during the 2023-2024 school year; however, the numbers only tell part of the story. Sun Valley High strives to provide each student with a globally competitive curriculum in an environment that promotes personal accountability, respect, and excellence.  “Don't be good, BE GREAT" continues to be the underlying theme for all that we do. Our displays of excellence, from academics to athletics, have transcended all aspects of the school, including clubs and personal discipline.  We are proud of our success.

    At Sun Valley High School, your involvement is very important to the success of our school! I encourage you to review our Report Card carefully and contact me directly to discuss any questions or concerns you may have. I also welcome your feedback regarding other interests you have in our school.

    Thank you for allowing me to share this Report Card with you, and thank you for supporting our efforts to provide your child with a high-quality education.


    Dr. Michael Harvey, Principal

NC School Report Cards

  • UCPS NC Report Card

  • Sun Valley High School