• Welcome to Porter Ridge Middle School's Media Center. The school library focuses on the development of a culture of reading, supports reading for learning and personal enjoyment, and provides opportunities for learners to read for pleasure.

    • Mrs. Helms: Media Coordinator


    (2022) Ala.org. Available at: https://www.ala.org/aasl/sites/ala.org.aasl/files/content/advocacy/statements/docs/AASL_Role_of_the_School_Library.pdf (Accessed: 12 December 2022).

    Hours:  8:45-4:05

    Library Policies

    • Students are required to have a pass to come to the Media Center.  
    • Books can be checked out for two weeks and renewed once.  
    • Students are not charged an overdue fee but are expected to pay for lost or damaged books.
    • Students may place books on hold.
    • Overdue notices are sent to students by email at the end of each grading period.