Student Life
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CMS Clubs
Art Club Sponsored by Tony Noto
The Art Club will meet on Thursdays in the Art Room from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM.
Bring all your art supplies on Thursday with you
Be sure your ride is here to pick you up at 5:00.
Battle of The Books Sponsored by Michele Bost
The Battle of the Books Club meets on Mondays in the media center from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM. Please access that Battle of the Books Canvas Page by clicking the link below to find the Battle Books List, Meeting Schedule, Practice Site, and more information about this club. Questions? Please contact Michele Bost, our media specialist.
Beta Club Sponsored by Stacey Olsen
Cavalier Connection Sponsored by Rhonda Williams and Kurt Miller
Cavalier News Crew Sponsored by Michele Bost
Mrs. Bost holds auditions at the beginning of each year for the Cavalier News Crew. These students report the announcements on the tv broadcast each morning. This club is open to all grade levels.
Crochet Club Sponsored by Christina Ganshert
Crochet Club is sponsored by Mrs. Ganshert and meets each Thursday from 4pm to 5pm in Room E124.
Debate Club
The Debate Club meets every other Tuesday in Room G116 from 4pm to 5pm.
DECA Club Sponsored by Valerie Lenoble
Drama Club Sponsored by Jamie Haney
PEACE Club Sponsored by Meryl Willis
A new club is starting at CMS!! The interest meeting for the PEACE club will be Wednesday, February 5th at 8:15 am in Media Center. PEACE club stands for Promoting Engagement, Acceptance, Community, and Empowerment! This club is for all to feel welcome and safe whether you're an ally, queer, neurodivergent, differently abled, and anyone else! We will meet every Wednesday morning starting February 5th in the Media Center. You can get the permission forms outside Mrs. Willis’s room, E125 in the 6th grade hallway. These must be signed and turned into Mrs. Willis or bring it to our first meeting. We can’t wait to meet you!
Robotics and Design Club Sponsored by David MItchell
Robotics and Design Club is sponsored by David Mitchell and meets each Thursday from 4:20pm to 6:00 pm in Room C106.
Student Council Sponsored by Jennifer Sinople
Yearbook Sponsored by Rebecca Jacobson
Applications have been processed and yearbook members have been selected for this school year.