Message from our Principal

  • October 13, 2023


    Dear Parent/Guardian:

    Thank you for taking the time to visit this site to learn more about Porter Ridge Elementary. Through the North Carolina School Report Card (SRC), you can view our overall school’s achievement. This school report card includes important information about each individual school as well as student performance, class sizes, attendance, school safety, student discipline, instructional resources, and teacher quality. A complete version of the SRC is available online at While test scores are one way to measure accountability, they only tell part of the story. Many other factors characterize a quality school. At our school, we are proud of several special initiatives and activities that are underway.

    Porter Ridge Elementary is working to develop globally competent learners by building positive relationships, providing rigorous instruction, and creating a safe and inclusive learning environment. We have begun to implement Pirate Time to build classroom communities so students have an environment that is positive, safe, and challenging. Teachers have embraced other cultures, especially through our Dual Language Program that extends to fourth grade this year.  Our teachers are continuing to grow professionally to hone their skills so they can grow PRES learners in all academic areas. Teachers are providing opportunities for students to be innovative leaders, problem solvers, effective communicators, and skilled collaborators.

    Parent and community support are vital to our success! We are appreciative of our dedicated parents and the incredibly supportive community. Our PTO sponsors events throughout the year for families and collaborates with the school in supporting our staff and students. Porter Ridge Elementary is very proud of the strong support and assistance from parents and volunteers. We encourage all families to be involved with your students as we work together as a team to build innovative learners, resilient problem-solvers, effective communicators, and skilled collaborators. There are several ways to find out about what is happening at Porter Ridge Elementary. We can be found on social media as well. The school sends a weekly newsletter via email and through our school Dojo. 

    Please feel free to contact the school if you have any questions.  Additionally, I welcome your feedback about other interests you have in our school. As always, we appreciate the opportunity to serve your child and your ongoing support of the work underway at our school!





    Kristi Williford, Principal

NC School Report Cards

  • UCPS NC Report Card

  • Porter Ridge Elementary School