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General Information
South Providence School (SPS)
South Providence School is an alternative school serving students in grades 6 through 12 who need a more individualized educational setting and a smaller school environment. SPS utilizes Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) to reinforce positive behavior and instill expectations of RISE; Respect, Integrity, Safety and Excellence for all students. Students are referred to South Providence School through their home school. The home school principal along with the counselors, parents and teachers consider South Providence School when a student is having difficulty managing academics and behavior in their home school. Transportation is provided for SPS students.
Diploma Pathways & Graduation Requirements
There have been significant changes in the high school course of study and graduation requirements over the past several years. New requirements are assigned by the year a student enters the ninth grade for the first time. It is imperative that parents and students know and understand the graduation requirements associated with that class of students. The most up-to-date copy of the 2020-2021 Program of Studies, as well as previous years’ versions, can be found on the Union County Public Schools Secondary Education website (
Every UCPS high school student must:
- meet the course and credit requirements based on when they entered high school as a ninth grader for the first time (see Future Ready Core and Future Ready Occupational course/credit requirements tables)
- earn passing scores on three essential end-of-course tests: NC Math 1 or NC Math 3, Biology, and English II per UCPS Board of Education Policy
- successfully complete Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) training
- meet any additional requirements adopted by the local board of education
There are two courses of study that students may follow to meet graduation requirements. Students will be placed in the Future Ready Core Course of Study as a default option.
Career Academy of South Providence (CASP)
Career Academy of South Providence (CASP): CASP offers a select number of students, who display a significant hardship that will impede graduation or are at risk for dropping out of school, an alternative opportunity to complete the requirements for high school graduation. Application to the CASP program is initiated by the home school.
- Students should have attended three semesters and be 16 years old before admission to the program. Students entering high school for the first time at the age of 16 will be considered for the Career Academy. The school counselor and the principal may determine the appropriateness of placement into the program as early as the end of the third semester of high school.
- An individual plan for graduation will be developed by the school counselor and approved by the principal for every student admitted to the program.
- If a student’s graduation plan will alter their graduation date, the plan must be approved by the district office.
- The counselor and principal will monitor each student’s progress toward fulfilling their graduation plan.
- Students participating in the Career Academy of South Providence program must earn 22 required and elective credits for graduation to receive a diploma from the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction.
- The CASP program is not intended to accelerate a student to early graduation.
Students who are enrolled in South Providence High School or in the Career Academy of South Providence will adhere to the following promotion standards:
Grade Level 4 x 4 Block
Grade 9 Promoted from 8th Grade
Grade 10 5 units including English I
Grade 11 10 units including English II
Grade 12 16 units including English III