UCPS Volunteer Services

  • We appreciate your interest in becoming a volunteer with Union County Public Schools. We are pleased that you are joining us to donate your time, talent and resources to support our schools. Please review the following instructions for approved and new volunteers.

    Volunteer Process

    If you would like to become a volunteer for Union County Public Schools, complete a volunteer application. Once your application is submitted, you will receive an automated email correspondence instructing you to confirm your email address and an automated email when your application is approved or denied. Please contact the school coordinator if you have any questions about your registration approval.

    The Union County Board of Education policies govern the work of volunteers in the schools and in the screening process that must be utilized. These policies are BOE Policy 6-4 Screening of School Volunteers and UCPS Volunteer Program Administrative Guidelines.

    If you have questions about becoming a volunteer, contact James Kennedy.

    Disclaimer: The volunteer application process is also used for contractors and other stakeholders who regularly come in contact with students and staff on UCPS premises.

    Volunteer Opportunities

Sun Valley Volunteer Information

  • Procedures for becoming a volunteer with Union County Public Schools

    There are no school-based volunteer coordinators for Sun Valley Middle. Please contact the principal for more information.

    Volunteer Information

    We at Sun Valley Middle School recognize the immense value parents play in the life of their child’s education.  Effective school’s research states that an active parent plays a pivotal role in a child’s success in the continual schooling process.  We also value the position that active, supportive parents serve as one of the keys to success for the total school program. Many parents ask how they can make contributions and provide assistance at school.  Volunteering time and service is one of the greatest benefits for all at Sun Valley Middle.  Not only does volunteer service allow added support for all faculty and staff, but it allows the parents opportunity to interact with the school’s learning environment.

    In order to encourage parent and community involvement while assuring the safety of the children Union County Public Schools employs a screening policy for school volunteers.  In addition to protecting our students, the screening will also help identify individuals who pose an unacceptable risk to the students, the school district, and the members of the community. 

    By serving as a volunteer, parent and community members make an effort to improve the educational opportunities for the students.  From the media center to assisting individual classroom teachers, there is a place for the talents of all parents and community members at Sun Valley Middle School! 

    Why not join us today in helping to sustain excellence at Sun Valley Middle?  Your presence would make a difference in the life of our school!