Message from our Principal
October 2022
Dear parents and guardians,
Thank you for your interest in learning about North Carolina's school accountability program and Sandy Ridge Elementary. Our state is committed to providing stakeholders with information about student achievement, safety, and the overall school environment at the state, district and school levels. This information is provided yearly via the North Carolina School Report Card.
Specifically, The North Carolina School Report Card includes important information about school and student performance as well as information regarding class sizes, attendance, school safety, instructional resources, and teacher quality. Report data is available for our school, our school district, and for the state’s education system as a whole.
While we take time to celebrate academic success, we also strive for continuous improvement. This process involves setting School Improvement Plan goals that support our PBIS behavior model, RAMS LEAD, our MTSS data collection system, instructional coaching, the Leader in Me school-wide transformation process, our literacy initiative, and most importantly, student academic growth and achievement.
At Sandy Ridge, we are committed to a high level of instruction, building leadership qualities in our staff, students, and families, and to developing the whole child. We encourage you to visit our school website to view the many innovating and engaging learning opportunities that are present daily at our school!
Again, we thank you for your interest in the NC School Report Card information for Sandy Ridge Elementary. At Sandy Ridge, we believe the involvement of parents and community members is vital to our learning, growth, achievement, and overall school success.I encourage you to review our school’s report card. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. As always, we appreciate the opportunity to serve your child and your ongoing support of the work underway at our school.
Tracey Kerstetter, Principal
NC School Report Cards
UCPS NC Report Card
North Carolina’s school report cards are an important resource for parents, educators, state leaders, researchers, and others, providing information about school- and district-level data in a number of areas. These include student performance and academic growth, school and student characteristics, and many other details.
Sandy Ridge Elementary School