Message from our Principal

  • Dear Early College Parents and Friends:

    It is with great honor and enthusiasm that I welcome you to Union County Early College.  Since its inception, UCEC has established itself as one of the premier Early Colleges in the state of North Carolina. 

    Federal guidelines require that schools provide you with updates about our school’s overall achievement through the North Carolina School Report Card (SRC). This school report card includes important information about each individual school as well as student performance, class sizes, attendance, school safety, student discipline, instructional resources, and teacher quality. 

    Each North Carolina public school received a letter grade to describe its performance. These School Performance Grades reflect student achievement and student growth. Student achievement constitutes 80% of the School Performance Grade, while student growth constitutes 20%.

    Union County Early College is part of North Carolina Cooperative Innovative High Schools. This initiative began in 2004 to encourage more students to complete high school and to gain the advanced skills increasingly demanded in the 21st-century workplace. Early College is a bold approach, based on the principle that academic rigor and the opportunity to earn college credit at no/low cost is a powerful motivator for students to work hard and meet serious intellectual challenges. It is a non-traditional public high school, which offers a high school diploma and an opportunity to earn an associate degree in five years. Union County Early College expects every student to graduate ready for college, careers, and life. Accomplishing both high school and college credits is completed through a process of dual enrollment for our students.  Union County Early College believes in this opportunity for all of our students and we structure our program to help our students accomplish these goals. 

    State and local education leaders are committed to providing parents with more information about schools. Please visit our website at to view school events, including parent information nights. Well-informed parents who participate in their children’s education and school enhance the learning environment for students and educators alike. 

    At Union County Early College, your involvement is very important to the success of our school!  I encourage you to review our Report Card carefully, then feel free to contact me directly to discuss any questions or concerns you may have regarding our Report Card.  

    We look forward to working with our community and school family as we strive to provide the highest quality educational experience for our students.  


    Michael Murray

    Principal, Union County Early College

NC School Report Cards

  • UCPS NC Report Card

  • Union County Early College