Phone: 704-296-3005
Degrees and Certifications:
Master of Library Science, East Carolina University, 2010 BA in Elementary Education, Converse College, 1997
Mrs. Kimberly Kovach
I am a librarian, teacher, and media specialist with 26 years of experience in education. Prior to coming to Antioch, I taught grades 3, 4, 5, and 6, worked as a curriculum coordinator, and served as a middle school media specialist for 5 years. This is my 11th year at Antioch Elementary. I have worked for UCPS since 2001.
I have the best job in the world! I love connecting kids with books they love to read and teaching them how to grow as readers, thinkers, and savvy digital citizens.
I am married to my wonderful husband, Mark, and have two beautiful daughters: Olivia (22) and Anna-Kathryn (16). My favorite thing in the world to do is read, but I also love cooking, knitting, shopping, Starbucks coffee, chocolate and traveling anywhere (but especially to the mountains, beach, or China)!