• Welcome to Weddington!

    To enroll your child at our school, please use the link below to create a Scribbles account. Once you have created a Scribbles account, please upload all the required documents. https://ucpsncc.scriborder.com/  The Scribbles site will walk you through all the documents you will need to upload. 

    Please be sure to sign and date all the forms. In addition to the forms, please upload the required documents into the dashboard: Birth Certificate, two current utility bills, the deed on the home, photo id (guardian). Upon receipt of the enrollment forms, our school data manager will send you an email for confirmation of the completed enrollment process.

    Our school website is https://www.ucps.k12.nc.us/Domain/54 please monitor it for upcoming news as you are not connected to the communication letter yet.  If you have any questions, please feel free to email our school data manager, Ms. Gi Iyer at  Girija.iyer@ucps.k12.nc.us


    Again, welcome to Weddington! We are thrilled to have you as part of our Wildcat Family!