Fast Facts
Rocky River Elementary School
500 North Rocky River Road, Monroe, NC 28110
Principal: Cathy Haney
Phone 704-290-1523
Fax: 704-292-1395
"Inspiring Learners Empowering Leaders"
How many students attend Rocky River
- We currently have 530 students enrolled (6/22).
What are the school hours at RYRES?
- School office hours 7 am – 3:30 pm
- Students may enter school at 7 am. and arrive no later than 7:30, otherwise, they will be marked tardy. They go to breakfast or the classroom upon arrival.
- School ends at 2 pm.
What are the school colors? Blue and Yellow
Does Rocky River have a mascot?
- Yes, our mascot is Rodney Roadrunner. Occasionally, Rodney will be sighted at school events.
Does Rocky River have an afterschool program?
- UCPS has an afterschool program. Students from RYRES will get on a bus to Shiloh Valley Elementary for the Afterschool program at 704-296-3041.
Shiloh Valley Veronica Weathers and Tina Saleem 704-296-3041 5210 Rogers Rd.Monroe, NC 28110
Do students have enhancement classes?
- We have STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) Art, Music, PE, and Media enhancement classes (specials) 40 minutes once per week in K-5.
Does Rocky River have any clubs for students? We have clubs offering two ways…
- . We will have clubs throughout the school year. Many will focus on careers and healthy living.
After-school clubs… might include
- Science Club, 4 and 5th grade
- Art Club 4 and 5th grade
- Battle of the Books- 4th and 5th grade
- GOTR 4th and 5th grade
What is special about Rocky River?
Our school is divided into four houses to create unique communities. Houses include:
Amistad (Red House) Friendship
Isibindi (Green House) Courage
Rêveur (Blue House) Dreamers
Altruismo (Black House) Givers
New students will spin the wheel and will be given the opportunity to join that house group. During the year, students have assemblies, participate in meetings, and celebrate winning house points with an early morning dance party and various other fun activities. They get the opportunities to show leadership throughout school.
We are part of the Leader in Me Program and have been recognized in spring 2019 as a Lighthouse School.
Students have lessons associated with learning the 7 habits.
- Habit 1: Be Proactive. You’re in Charge (Be a responsible person, choose actions, attitudes, and moods and not blame others for my actions)
- Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind (Have a plan and set goals)
- Habit 3: Put First Things First (Work then play, do important things first, organize, set schedule)
- Habit 4: Think Win-Win (I balance what I want with consideration for what others want. When conflicts arise, look for alternatives)
- Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood (Listen before your talk to see different viewpoints and feelings. Listen without interrupting. Express my own ideas.)
- Habit 6: Synergize ( Value others' strengths and learn from them, get along well with others even when we are different, work in groups well and seek out others' ideas to help solve problems.)
- Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw (balance, take care of your body, eat well, exercise, and get sleep. Spend time with family and friends, learning in many places and lots of ways, and helping others).
Parent Involvement-
We will now have a family lighthouse team with parent reps and even more opportunities for parents to volunteer in a way that matches their talents and availability.