Message from our Principal

  • Dear Rocky River Parents and Friends,

    We provide regular updates to you about your student’s academic progress by sending home a Report Card. Once a year, we provide you with updates on our school’s achievements through the North Carolina School Report Card. I have enclosed with this letter a summary of our Report Card called the Report Card Snapshot. Our school’s full Report Card can be found on the NC School Report Cards’ website at

    At Rocky River Elementary we are very proud of the levels of intervention framework that we have in place to increase and support student achievement. It is important that our students make great gains and reach or exceed grade-level expectations. The staff is committed to continuous learning and improvement. Our goal is to promote life-long learning by modeling this in our daily lives. Teachers work in teams of professional learning communities to combine strengths and talents to benefit all of our students.

    An area of continued focus this year is leadership. We are a “Leader in Me” school. Our staff has undergone training in the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. We have a Lighthouse Team that oversees the 7 Habits implementation throughout the school. The purpose is to help students learn how to work in the 21st century by becoming problem solvers who collaborate and work well with others. Each child has specific strengths and talents and our goal is to develop those in each child. Goal setting with each student is a major area of focus to hold them accountable for understanding their current level of performance and plan small steps to help them reach their yearlong goal and subsequent yearly goals leading to graduation and college or career.

    We are also working to improve math skills through a focus on problem-solving.  Parents will learn more about the approach we are using to best support this work at home with their child as well. 

    At Rocky River Elementary, your involvement is very important to the success of our school. I encourage you to review our Report Card carefully, then feel free to contact me directly to discuss any questions or concerns you may have regarding the Report Card. I also welcome your feedback regarding other interests you have in our school.

    Thank you for allowing me to share this Report Card with you and thank you for supporting our efforts to provide your child with a high-quality education.


    Cathy Haney


NC School Report Cards

  • UCPS NC Report Card

  • Rocky River Elementary School