School Updates

    The deadline for 8th Grade ads is MONDAY, DECEMBER 9TH. Do not miss your chance to celebrate your student! Please click on the link for more info on how to order your ad today!
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    The Battle of the Books Club meets on Mondays in the media center from 4pm to 5:30 pm. The virtual author visit with Kenneth Oppel is scheduled for Friday, December 6th, from 1:30pm to 2:30 pm. Club members who wish to attend this visit should return payment and permission form to Mrs. Bost as soon as possible. 


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    Speech and Debate Club meets every other Tuesday from 4pm to 5pm in Room G116. The next Speech and Debate Club meeting is Tuesday December 10th.

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    The Crochet Club meets on Thursdays from 4pm to 4:45pm in Mrs. Ganshert's Room E124.


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    Art Club meets on Thursdays in the Art Room from 4pm to 5pm. 

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    Saturday, December 7th (9AM-4PM)

    The annual Holiday Bazaar is one of the most popular events of the season in our community. The High School gym and cafeteria will be packed with local vendors, artisans, & businesses selling gifts and handmade goodies. Add MS and HS band concerts every hour, and it is an amazing day!


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    Student Council will be selling Winter Grams beginning on Tuesday, December 3rd! Send a friend, teacher, or classmate a lovely treat for the holidays! Winter Grams will be sold each morning from December 3rd through December 18th for $1.00! 

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    Beta Club is hosting a Toy Drive to benefit families impacted by Hurricane Helene in Western North Carolina. Please bring UNWRAPPED toys and place them in the boxes at the top of your grade level hallway between Monday, December 2nd and Friday, December 13th. PLEASE NO STUFFED ANIMALS! 

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    Beta Club is helping the North Carolina State Service Project by collecting soda pop tops. If you, your family members or neighbors drink soda cans, please have them same the tab and collect them in a ziplock bag to bring to school. We have a box labeled in the main office to put your Pop Tops in. We will be collecting these until the end of January to benefit the Ronald McDonald House! 

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    Yearbook Staff meets on Wednesdays and Fridays during Cavs Block in Mrs. Jacobson's Room F112.

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  • CAVS Athletics

    If your child is interested in playing middle school sports, here's the link to register.


    School-sponsored sports include:

    Fall: Cross Country (6th-8th), Volleyball (7th-8th), Football (7th-8th), & Cheerleading (7th-8th)

    Winter: Basketball (7th-8th), Wrestling (6th-8th), & Cheerleading (7th-8th)

    Spring: Soccer (7th-8th), Baseball (7th-8th), Softball (7th-8th), Track (6th-8th)



    **CMS is fortunate to partner with the Cuthbertson Athletic Booster Club (CABC) which organizes even more opportunities for our students to engage in sports.

    Learn more via their CABC website-


    School Athletic Directors

    Brittany Lasher--

    Chandler Hendrix--

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  • Parent Volunteers

    If you would like to become a volunteer for CMS, complete a volunteer application.

    Once your application is submitted, you will receive an automated email correspondence instructing you to confirm your email address. Additionally, you will receive an automated email when your application is approved or denied.

    If you are already an approved volunteer, please visit the above link to renew your registration. You must renew your registration each year.

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  • School Nutrition Update

    Here are the meal prices for the 2024-25 school year--

    Paid Breakfast-- $1.75 / Reduced Breakfast-- $.00

    Paid Lunch-- $3.75 / Reduced Lunch-- $.40


    Here’s what you need to know about meal applications:

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  • Student Lockers

    For the 2024-25 school year, we will continue to use student lockers. All students will receive an assigned locker and combination lock.

    *Students who lose their combination lock during the school year can receive a replacement lock for a fee.

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  • UCPS Bus Transportation

    UCPS no longer prints 'Bus Information' for students/parents. All bus information can be accessed via the Bus App below.

    **2024-25 Student Bus information will begin to populate on parent accounts starting the week of August 19, 2024.**


    Download the Bus App to view your student’s bus stop time and location, locate the school bus, receive alerts, be informed of delays, etc.

    For more information--


    Parents, if you check the Bus App after August 20th, and there's no school bus information displayed, please email our school's Data Manager ( so that the school can request a bus for your child(ren). Be sure to indicate if bus transportation is needed for the AM, PM, or both.

    Please note... It may take 3-5 business days for a bus to be assigned by UCPS Transportation. Please continue to check the Bus App. Once the information appears in the Bus App, your child(ren) can begin riding the bus.

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  • PE Uniforms

    At CMS, students will have Physical Education class (either the 1st or 2nd semester) and will be required to change into a PE uniform.

    To order PE uniforms, please utilize:

    *You will need to create an account, if a first-time user.*


    PE orders will begin to be sent home with students on Monday, August 26th (via homeroom teachers). Unfortunately, we did not have enough inventory to fill all orders. We should receive new inventory in about 2 weeks.

    Questions? Please contact Mrs. Jennifer Carriero in the school's front

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  • UCPS-- SchoolCash Online

    UCPS has changed their online payment provider to SchoolCash Online.

    SchoolCash Online is a secure way to pay for school activities, field trips, etc. using Visa, Mastercard, eCheck, etc. We encourage all parents to register now, so you’ll be ready to receive email notifications when fees are added to your student’s account and make online payments as schools begin to add school items to the online catalog.


    The enrollment process for parents is simple. First, create an account.

    Once you have created a user account, you can begin linking your student(s) to your profile. This will allow you to begin accessing outstanding items/activities, receive email notifications about fees/items assigned to your student, and process payments for outstanding fees.

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  • Chromebook Forms, Tech Fees, and Distribution

    All UCPS middle school students will be issued a student Chromebook & Charger each year to enhance teacher-led instruction & digital learning activities. In order for students to be able to pick up their assigned devices, parents need to complete the Middle School Chromebook Student/Parent Agreement form and pay the $30 UCPS Technology Fee.

    Middle School Chromebook Student/Parent Agreement Form

    ALL students & parents are asked to carefully review the UCPS Acceptable Use guidelines, Internet Use & Parent Resources, accept/opt out of COPPA Compliance, and the Middle School Chromebook Student/Parent Agreement forms. (An individual form should be completed for each CMS student.) Complete this CMS form-- Cuthbertson MS Chromebook Student/Parent Agreement Form

    UCPS Technology Fee

    UCPS has determined that an annual student technology fee of $30.00 will be implemented annually to ensure your student’s device is maintained and ready for instruction. Click HERE to pay this UCPS fee online. (This link is for CMS students ONLY. 


    Please note:


    • Student devices will only be issued to students after completion of the Student/Parent Chromebook Agreement form and payment of the UCPS Technology Fee, as linked above.
    • Students who did not return their previously assigned Chromebook/Charger -or- students who owe more than $40 in technology fees will not be issued new devices, until resolved.
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  • 2024-25 UCPS Career Plans

    Beginning in the 2024-2025 school year, NC Senate Bill 193 requires that all students in grades 6-12 have a Career Plan. A student's initial career plan will be created by the end of their 6th grade year and then revised annually through 12th grade. UCPS will utilize Major Clarity as the platform for students to create their Career Plan. This can be accessed by students through Clever.

    *Parents are encouraged to review their student’s career plan with them each year.

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  • Fast Food PROHIBITED during student lunches!

    Fast food, soft drinks, and food for birthday celebrations cannot be brought to the school for student lunches.

    Student Drinks-- Please note that WATER is the only drink that should be filled inside the water bottles that come to school with students each day.

    *Energy drinks are also not permitted.

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  • Water Bottles Permitted-- WATER only!

    Water bottles are permitted at school--ONLY with water!

    **Please note: Students coming to school with drinks from Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, etc. will be asked to discard before coming into the school building.

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  • Parents, Are you linked to your child's Powerschool account?

    View your child's grades, attendance, state test scores, etc. by linking to your child's account.

    Returning families-- Use the same log-in information as used in previous years.

    New families-- Powerschool Parent Set-up information can be picked up in the school's front office.

    Questions? Contact Mrs. Diane Scaduto, Data Manager, at

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  • Parents, Are you a Canvas Parent Observer?

    The main use of the Canvas Parent Observer role is to link a parent to a student. Observers cannot submit work on behalf of the students they observe, but they can see student grades, assignments, and calendar events.

    Click HERE to learn how to set-up a Canvas Parent Observer account.

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  • Morning Arrival Procedures

    • School doors open for students at 8:20 AM. (Please do NOT arrive at CMS before this time.)
    • Students arriving between 8:20 AM-8:35 AM will report to the PIT.
    • Arriving at 8:35 or after, students report to 3 areas by grade-level. (6th- Cafeteria, 7th- PIT, 8th-Gym).
    • At 8:50 AM, students will move to their homeroom classrooms.
    • Breakfast is served from 8:35 AM through 9:00 AM.
    • Students are LATE if not in the school building at 9:05 AM. Plan accordingly. (Students who are late will need to report to the school office to receive a tardy pass.)
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    Students are expected to attend school and each class every day unless sick, doctor/dentist appointment, educational opportunity, etc.

    Parents should submit written documentation in order to have their student’s absence considered “excused.” Please submit to your child's homeroom teacher within 3 days of the absence.

    CMS will only accept parent 'sick' notes during the grading period in which the absence occurred; notes from a medical provider will be accepted at any time.

    ONLY the following reasons are acceptable to consider marking an absence 'excused:' Illness, quarantine by a health provider, medical/psychological visits (with note from the provider), funeral for immediate family member (with valid documentation), military deployment activities, PRE-APPROVED educational opportunities (no more than 2 days), religious observances.

    For every 5 unexcused tardies / early dismissals, students will be required to serve a 'detention' at a time designated by CMS.

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  • Items Forgotten At Home

    Reminder of this CMS school policy--

    Instructional time will not be disturbed for students to obtain forgotten items. When a student

    leaves an item at home, we ask that they bring the item to school the next day, unless it is an item

    that is required for their health and safety (ex. eye glasses, medicine, lunch, water bottles, etc.).

    Additionally, student Chromebooks will be permitted to be dropped off, if forgotten at home, as

    these are important instructional tools for active student participation within classroom activities

    & assignments.

    *Homework/projects, cell phones, instruments, PE uniform, etc., should not be brought to school

    for students.

    **Students may not receive gift items or fast food while at school.


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  • Early Dismissal From School

    Students who must leave before the end of the school day should bring a note from home requesting early dismissal. The note should be taken to the office upon arrival and exchanged for a

    'dismissal slip.' At the appointed time, the student should report to the office and be signed out by

    an authorized adult with a picture ID.

    Parents should sign students out before 3:20 PM for early dismissal, in order to not interfere with the school’s dismissal procedures.

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    Parents can get the information you need from the transportation department without having to call the school... Download the app today. You will need your child's ID number to register. (For returning families, you can locate the ID# on a past report card, student schedule, or simply ask your child as it is the # used to log-in to their computer.)

    Edulog Parent Portal smartphone app helps you receive information about your child’s school bus ride. It allows you to:

    Access designated bus stop times and locations,

    See real-time information about the location of your child’s school bus, and

    Receive notifications when the bus is getting close.

    *This new app replaces the "Here Comes the Bus App."

    Tutorial Video



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  • Change in Student Afternoon Transportation:

    In the event of an emergency, transportation changes will be taken over the phone and included

    with afternoon announcements. (We don't call the student out of class to communicate this


    **Reminder... Students may not ride any bus to which they are not assigned.**

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  • Afternoon Dismissal:

    At about 4:00 PM, dismissal procedures will begin. CMS is a LARGE school; an efficient dismissal

    process takes some time. It'll be slow to start this week as we re-orient with school procedures.

    • Car-riders will ONLY be picked up via the front car-rider line at the front of the school.
    • Parents, please do not arrive at CMS until 3:30 or later for afternoon pick-up as the high school is dismissing beforehand, and too many cars will cause gridlock on our school campuses.
    • Parents should NOT park in the staff parking lot, visitor parking spaces, the high school, or nearby neighborhoods to pick up children at dismissal time.
    • When picking up students, please pull ALL the way up to the front of the car rider line so we can load students quickly and safely. Students are to step into a car on the right side to avoid other cars.
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    If you would like to become a volunteer for CMS, complete a volunteer application.

    Parent Volunteer Application

    Once your application is submitted, you will receive an automated email correspondence instructing you to confirm your email address. Additionally, you will receive an automated email when your application is approved or denied.

    If you are already an approved volunteer, please visit the above link to renew your registration. You must renew your registration each year.


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