Message from our Principal

  • Dear Marvin Ridge Middle School Stakeholders:

    North Carolina's school accountability program provides important information about our school and provides criteria to meet all of our Annual Measurable Objectives. However, these numbers only tell part of the story. Other indicators of school quality are important to parents and community members. This information can be found in one place, the North Carolina School Report Card.

    The country, state, and school system are committed to providing parents with more information about schools. Well-informed parents are often empowered and more involved with the education of their children. Descriptive and performance statistics allow schools to further analyze student and staff performance.

    This report card includes important information about academic performance, class size, attendance, school safety, instructional resources, and teacher quality. Report card data will be available for each school, for each school district, and for the state’s educational system as a whole.

    Report cards are provided for regular public schools, charter schools, and alternative schools that were open during the 2022-23 school year. Federal schools, state-operated schools, and other special schools will not receive report cards due to differences in the way data is reported for these schools. The information on this report card is from the 2022-2023 academic year.

    At Marvin Ridge Middle School, we recognize students for their academic success, provide quality staff development for teachers, and create a school culture that is safe, supportive, and academically stimulating for our students. In the 2022 - 2023 school year, we have served approximately 1,400 students. With a dedicated faculty and staff, we are implementing components of the middle school concept where students are exposed to activities that are developmentally responsive, academically rigorous, and socially equitable.

    As the culture and climate of the Marvin Ridge Mavericks continue to thrive, we take great pride in our school mantra, growing the best people. As a faculty and staff, we commit to giving it our very best to positively impact every child every day. Our aim is for parents, community members, and most importantly, the student body to join us in that commitment. The combined efforts of these stakeholders result in a top-notch middle school experience for our students.

    At MRMS, your involvement is very important to the success of our school. I encourage you to review our report card carefully. Then, feel free to contact me directly to discuss any questions or concerns you may have regarding the report card. I also welcome your feedback regarding other interests you have in our school.

    Thank you for allowing me to share this report card with you. We appreciate your support in our efforts to provide your child with the best educational experience possible.


    James Eversole, Principal

NC School Report Cards

  • UCPS NC Report Card

  • Marvin Ridge Middle School