Message from our Principal

  • Dear Parkwood High School Community,

    We provide regular updates to you about your student’s academic progress by sending home a Report Card for each student. Once a year, we also provide you with updates on our school’s achievements through the North Carolina School Report Card.

    Each year, North Carolina's Student Accountability Program provides an abundance of information about our schools; however, these numbers tell only a part of the story.  There are many other indicators of school quality that are important to parents and community members, and this information is located in one place:  the North Carolina School Report Card.  

    This Report Card contains important information concerning our school and student performance, class sizes, attendance, school safety, instructional resources, and teacher quality. Along with our school, data is available for our school district and the state’s educational system as a whole.  

    The report cards are available at  Report cards are provided for regular public schools, charter schools, and alternative schools that were open in the 2021-2022 school year.  Federal schools, state-operated schools, and other special schools will not receive report cards due to differences in the way data are reported for these schools.  

    State and local education leaders are committed to providing parents with more information about schools. Well-informed parents who participate in their children’s education and school enhance the learning environment for students and educators alike. At Parkwood High School, your involvement is very important to the success of our school! 

    Thank you for allowing me to share this Report Card with you and thank you for partnering with us to provide your child with a high quality education.  Our focus at Parkwood High School is continuous improvement for all students.  

    Tracy Strickland, Ed.D., Principal 

NC School Report Cards

  • UCPS NC Report Card

  • Parkwood High School