Message from our Principal

    • January 2024

    Dear Parents and Guardians:

    Federal guidelines require that schools provide you with updates about our school’s overall achievement through the North Carolina School Report Card (SRC). This school report card includes important information about each individual school as well as student performance, class sizes, attendance, school safety, student discipline, instructional resources, and teacher quality.

    North Carolina evaluates its elementary schools based on End-of-Grade (EOG) assessment proficiency and overall student growth (by measuring expected progress against actual progress), specifically in grades 3, 4 and 5. During the 2022-23 school year, New Town Elementary School (NTES) received a school performance total of 87, which equates to a report card rating of "A". Our school is incredibly proud of the work our students and teachers do each day, and we are happy to report that 91.5% of our students were proficient in math performance; 95% of our students were proficient in science, and 85.4% of students demonstrated grade level proficiency in reading. I encourage you to review our school’s full Report Card  as well as the Union County Public Schools report. 

    New Town Elementary prides itself on delivering a quality education to all students. Our dedicated staff provides a standards-based education that is focused on student learning and data-driven results. Our staff works diligently to provide the enrichment and/or intervention needed for all students. Meeting the diverse needs of each student remains the school’s top priority.

    Just as important, the New Town community works to provide a positive and caring environment for our students. Our active parent volunteer base and PTA further enrich what we are able to offer our students. Students expand their horizons by participating in character education, cultural arts events, community service projects, and educational field trips. Parent involvement in our HAWK community is very important to the success of our school.

    The staff at New Town Elementary pledge to do everything within our power to ensure that your child is safe, happy, and learning. Thank you for supporting our school, and helping ensure we continue to build on our Hawksome tradition of excellence! Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. As always, we appreciate the opportunity to serve your child and your ongoing support of the work underway at our school.

    Elizabeth Allen, Principal

NC School Report Cards

  • UCPS NC Report Card

  • New Town Elementary School