Bus transportation to and from New Town Elementary school is provided by UCPS and is managed by the Transportation Department.
New Town Elementary School is part of the "Goldmine Area" and our area supervisor is Tammy Davis and she can be reached at 704-296-0244. If you have a question about any of the following, please reach out to Mrs. Davis directly.
- Moving bus stops/safety of a bus stop
- Problems/issues with the Edulog Parent Portal bus tracking app.
- General transportation questions including bus de-assignment
If you have any concerns related to student issues on the bus, please contact our assistant principal, Stefanie Olszewski at 704-290-1525.
Same Day Transportation Change
Any same-day/last-minute transportation changes that need to be made during school hours MUST be in writing. There are no exceptions.
Send an email to Kim Campbell AND Rachelle Patterson including the following information:
- Student's name
- Student's teacher's name
- Original transportation
- Transportation change
Please allow up to an hour to receive a confirmation email acknowledging the change.
New Bus Rider Request
To sign your child up for the bus at New Town Elementary, please email Rachelle Patterson.
Allow 3-5 business days for the Transportation Department to assign your child to a bus. Once your child is assigned to a bus, Mrs. Patterson will email you a bus pass. At that point, you are free to email your child's teacher letting them know when they can ride the bus.