Message from our Principal

  • Dear Students, Parents, and Community,

    Piedmont Middle School is a pleasant, rural school nestled in the beautiful North Carolina town of Unionville.  We currently serve approximately 980 students. 

     At Piedmont Middle School, we are committed to giving students every opportunity to grow as students and active participants in the world around them. Our teachers come with a wealth of knowledge and experience, totaling more than 800 years of combined experience.  It is an honor to serve with these educational professionals at Piedmont Middle School. Since 1975, Piedmont Middle School has served this community.  We want to continue to establish relationships with our stakeholders so that we may provide our students with the skills they need in order to be successful in the 21st-century workforce. 

     At Piedmont Middle School we continue to utilize the team philosophy. In doing so, we allow students to develop a greater sense of community in the school as we also begin to allow them to establish independence within a safe environment as they learn the skills that will be necessary to live successfully in the world around them. 

    North Carolina's school accountability program, the Ready Accountability Model, provides a lot of important information about our school and provides criteria to meet all of our Annual Measurable Objectives. However, these numbers only tell part of the story. Other indicators of school quality are important to parents and community members. This information can be found in one place, the North Carolina School Report Card.

    The country, state, and school system is committed to providing parents with more information about schools. Well-informed parents are often empowered and more involved with the education of their children. The federal Every Student Succeeds Act allows schools to further analyze student and staff performance.

    This report card includes important information about academic performance, class size, attendance, school safety, instructional resources, and teacher quality. Report card data is available for each school, for each school district, and for the state’s educational system as a whole.

    At Piedmont Middle School, we want our students' parents and families to be informed about the school's progress in order to be more involved in the school on a regular basis. Our accountability results from the 2018-2019 school year went down in the area of proficiency, but we did make gains in the area of student growth which we are celebrating. Although we've maintained our school's report card grade, we are not satisfied and know that there is work to be done to ensure our students have the most engaging and rigorous academic experience that will prepare them for the future world.  

    Thank you for your continued commitment to your student’s education. We look forward to another year as we serve the needs of our students, families, and stakeholders,


NC School Report Cards

  • UCPS NC Report Card

  • Piedmont Middle School