Media Center

  • Media Coordinator - Beth Medlin -

    The Poplin Media Center is open each day from 7:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.  Also parents and students are welcome to contact Mrs. Medlin if you need help with technology.  

    We currently have 14,466 titles in the Media Center.  Students will visit the Media Center each week with their class. 

    Destiny is the K-12 library management system for UCPS. It provides a visually appealing and highly graphic online searching experience where students can conduct a single search and have appropriate results (books, websites, database articles, DVDs, etc. returned in one list.)  Students and teachers access Destiny through  NCEdcloud via Clever.

    The following databases should be accessed through our student's NCEdCloud account and Clever for students and staff.  Please ask Mrs. Medlin if you need assistance.

    2023-2024 UCPS Elementary Databases and Extended Learning Resources

    2023-2024 UCPS Elementary Databases and Extended Learning Resources (Spanish)

    Battle of the Books

    The Battle of the Books Club for students in fourth and fifth grades.  We will be reading 15 titles for next year's competition.  We will compete in the UCPS County Battle of the Books Competition in the Spring of 2024.   Students were made aware of the option to participate in the Battle Club at the end of the 2022-2023 school year.  It is recommended that students begin reading these books over the summer.  The club will be prompted to students during weekly Media Center visits.  

    Battle of the Books - Book List