Poplin Elementary School

Shanda Lauri, Principal

School Updates

  • Weekly Reminder - February 2, 2025

    A message from POPLIN ELEMENTARY

    Good Evening Poplin Families, this is your principal, Shanda Lauri with this week’s reminders. Thank you to everyone who came out to the Harlem Wizards game Friday. Great job Mrs. Mastrovito, Ms. McTeague, Mr. Petko, Mr. Perry and Mrs. Edwards, we appreciate you.

    Tuesday is the County Spelling Bee. We want to wish Micah Mensah-Acquaye good luck as he represents Poplin in the event.

    This week is National Counselors Week. We want to celebrate Mrs. Moreira and thank her for all she does for our students, staff, and community. Let’s show her some love!

    Car riders, thank you for continuing to get in the parking lot by the 7:30 bell. Please remember to stay in line and watch for the Poplin staff. Parents it is crucial that you follow our traffic director’s directions. We have 300-400 cars that come through every morning. He has to follow the procedures put in place. His safety as well as the safety of all of our staff and students is top priority. Please be patient and leave early to get in the parking lot to drop off your student. We have a gap of cars from 7:00-7:10, we need students in their classes by 7:30 to start instruction.

    Tomorrow we have a spirit night at Empire Pizza. Dine-In only make sure you say you are from Poplin. The PTA will be hosting the Superhero & Me Dance this Friday February 7th,  from 630-830. Say Cheez Food Truck, dancing, crafts, scavenger hunt and special guest. Superhero attire welcomed but not required. The cost is $5 per person for PTA members and $8 for non PTA members. Please enter through the bus lot. This event is for Poplin students, remember this is not a drop off event. Thank you for your continued support and have a great evening.


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  • UCPS is hosting an Interest Meeting for Rising Kindergartners about the DLI program.  

    English - https://bit.ly/KinderDLIMtg2025

    Spanish - https://bit.ly/KinderDLIReunion25

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  • Poplin Elementary School go to BUYTHEYEARBOOK.COM or https://bit.ly/4hqEZtn.  School ID:933408.  We sold out of yearbooks last year. Make sure to place your order by March 1st, 2025!

    5th Grade Families Only - Place a special shoutout message in the Yearbook! The size of the ad is 1/8 of a page. Please note there is a 100 character limit. Deadline to purchase and design ad is 2/28/25. Ad 

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  • EOG Testing Dates:  

    Put it on your calendars! EOG testing for 3rd, 4th and 5th grade will be on the following dates:

    Reading: Wednesday May 28th
    Math: Thursday May 29th

    Science (5th only): Friday May 23rd

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  • Peachjar Digital Flyers: We have a new electronic flyer communication tool called Peachjar. View school-approved digital flyers.


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