Beta Club

  • Weddington Middle School’s chapter of the National Junior Beta Club is a prestigious organization that recognizes 8th grade students for their academic excellence. In order to be considered for membership in the Beta Club, 8th grade candidates must have had an overall GPA of 92.0 for the seventh grade school year in the subjects of English, math, science, social studies, physical education and health.

    In addition, members must maintain a 92.0 average in these courses throughout their 8th grade year in order to maintain their active member status in the organization. Once inducted into the Beta Club, members work on projects that focus on community service both for the local school community as well as the larger Union County area. Activities vary from year to year, but always emphasize the fact that members of the Beta Club are leaders among their peers that aim to better the world around them.

    Members utilize the Beta Club Canvas course in order to organize and participate in community projects. Weddington Middle is proud to boast that the club has had an astounding 150+ members for the past several years; an amazing accomplishment when one considers the stringent criteria for membership! 

    Faculty Sponsors: Jenny Chirico and Liz Salema