Fast Facts

    • Mrs. Selvidio's Class are authors and illustrators of their very own book! How many students attend Fairview?
      • We currently have enrolled about 400 students.
    • What are the school hours for Fairview Elementary?
      • School office hours are 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.
      • Students must arrive no later than 7:30 a.m., otherwise, they will be marked tardy.  The school day ends at 2 p.m.
    • What are Fairview's school colors?
      • Purple and Gold
    • Does Fairview have a mascot?
      • Yes, our mascot is a Wildcat.  Occasionally, Wildcat Willy makes an appearance at school events.
    • Does Fairview have an after-school program?
      • Yes, we collaborate with Unionville Elementary and have bus transportation that will take your child to the after-school program.  Please contact the after-school director at (704) 453-2803 for more information.
    • Does Fairview have a STEM Lab?
      • Yes!  STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) is one of our Special Area Classes that students participate in weekly!
    • Does Fairview have a PTO?
      • Yes, please contact our President Brittany Fanella for more information on joining our school PTO.
    • Are there volunteer opportunities at Fairview?
      • Yes, there are many ways you can help at school or from home.  Please sign up to be an approved volunteer on the UCPS website so that you can begin lending a helping hand.

    FVES House System - 10 Houses Under One Roof!

    • The mission of the FVES house system is to create a school community where students work together to support each other as they journey through their elementary school years.  
    • The purpose of each house is to provide guidance and support to all students as they grow academically, socially, and emotionally.
    • House Fridays:  All students will meet in their houses the first Friday of every month from 12:50-1:40 p.m.
    • The Point System: Points are collected throughout the year by each student, counting toward their overall House's score, to help determine the champions at the end of the year.  Points are earned when students demonstrate positive traits at school.
    • Students can cash in their points on Wednesday mornings.  
    • Students, teachers and parents can check points by using the Class Dojo app.
    • For more information click 10 Houses Under 1 Roof