Transportation for 2023-2024
Arrival Procedures
- SVPS opens its doors at 7:05 each morning. Please do not drop students off prior to 7:05 as there is no supervision.
- Our tardy bell rings at 7:35 am.
- ANY student not inside the building at 7:35 will be counted as tardy. A parent will need to walk them inside the building and sign them in the front office.
Daily Transportation Changes
- If your child’s transportation changes, a note from the parent/guardian must be sent in writing to your child’s teacher noting the date(s) of the change. Due to safety, phone calls are not accepted.
- Due to our afternoon transportation procedures, students may not be checked out for early dismissal after 1:30 pm.
Car Riders (morning and afternoon)
- SVPS opens its doors at 7:05 each morning. Please do not drop students off prior to 7:05 as there is no supervision.
- If you choose to drop your child off each day this will designate them a “car-rider” in the morning, all parents must utilize the car-rider line.
- Our car-line utilizes two lanes to ensure cars are off the main road and not backing up traffic by the elementary school. School staff will facilitate traffic and “merge” lanes near the drop off area for students. Please be patient as we alternate lanes for drop-off. We will do this in an orderly fashion and appreciate your patience as we ensure that all of our BullDOGS are on the sidewalk safely each morning.
- Parking and walking your child across the parking lot to the building to avoid the car-rider line is not permitted for drop-off.
- Please note that there are some exceptions due to our special needs population and pre-k students that we serve. All other students must adhere to the car-rider line procedures to ensure an efficient car line for all SVPS families.
- If you choose to pick your child up each day this will designate them a “car-rider”.
- Parents/guardians who choose this option will utilize our car-rider line each afternoon. Our dismissal bell rings at 2:05 and students will be dismissed to our lobby. Parents/guardians should remain in their car and wait to be directed by school staff to a cone to pick up their child. All parents/guardians will be asked to display a SVPS “tag” on their rearview mirror to ensure a safe and efficient pick up.
- All car-riders must be picked up via the car-rider line.
- Families are not permitted to park in the SVPS parking lot and walk to get their children from the building to avoid the car rider line.
- For the safety of our bus riders and dismissal procedures parents/guardians are NOT permitted to park on the bus lot or near the middle school for any reason during arrival/dismissal.
- If your child is picked up from SVPS via a private facilities aftercare van, they will be dismissed through our car rider line. Parents must communicate this to their child's teacher.
Bus Riders
- The UCPS Transportation Department states that parents should anticipate a ten-minute window prior to and after their child’s assigned bus time to account for delays.
- Bus “App” Information: Download the Edulog Parent Portal App today!
- If you would like to confirm that your child is registered for AM/PM (UCPS) bus transportation please contact Mrs. Erin Young at
- If your child rides a UCPS bus to their daycare, they will be dismissed with bus riders.
- Walkers are considered to be students who walk home with a parent/guardian or who walk to/from the elementary building with a parent/guardian and sibling.
- The designated “walker” pick up location will be at the end of the sidewalk to the left of the school.
- Walkers will be dismissed promptly at 2:05. Due to safety concerns if walkers are not picked up on time, they will be dismissed after our car-rider line has concluded.
- Parent/guardians must have a SVPS yellow pick up tag or valid photo ID to pick up students walking home.
- Parents will need to complete a "walker" permission form. This will be available at open house in your child's classroom. If you need a "walker permission" form, please contact your child's teacher or pick one up in the main office.
- Families are not permitted to park in the SVPS parking lot and walk to get their children from the building to avoid the car rider line.
- For the safety of our bus riders and dismissal procedures parents/guardians are NOT permitted to park on the bus lot or near the middle school for any reason during arrival/dismissal.