Information Systems Academy

  • The Information Systems Academy has three pathways:

    • Computer Engineering
    • Software Development and Game Design
    • Cybersecurity  

    *Students can only be in one of the pathways while at CATA.

    Course Sequence Information 

    In addition to the core classes required for graduation, students will take academy classes each year at CATA. The course sequencing for each pathway in the Information Systems Academy is listed below. 


    Computer Engineering - Class of 2026 and later


    CompTIA IT Fundamentals

    Microsoft Excel Expert


    Computer Engineering Tech I

    Computer Engineering Tech II Honors


    Network Engineering Tech I Honors

    Network Engineering Tech II Honors


    Optional electives: Electronics DC Honors (Level 1), Electronics AC Honors (Level 2), Robotics Honors

    Network Engineering Tech III Honors


    Software Development and Game Design - Class of 2027 and later


    Microsoft Excel Expert or Visual Art 1

    AP Computer Science Principles


    Python Programming I Honors (Programming track) OR

    Adobe Visual Design 1 Honors (Arts track)


    AP Computer Science A (Programming track) OR

    Adobe Video Design 1 Honors (Arts track)


    3D Modeling and Animation I


    AP Computer Science A

    3D Modeling and Animation II


    Game Art & Design Honors

    Advanced Game Art & Design Honors


    Cybersecurity - Class of 2026 and later


    CompTIA IT Fundamentals

    AP Computer Science Principles


    Network Engineering Tech I Honors

    Python Programming 1 Honors (Optional)

    PLTW Intro to Cybersecurity 

    AP Computer Science A (Optional)


    CTI 140: Virtualization Concepts

    NOS 120: Linux/UNIX Single User

    CTI 141: Cloud and Storage Concepts

    NOS 230: Windows Administration I


    SEC 110: Security Concepts

    SEC 150: Secure Communications

    SEC 160: Security Administration I

    SEC 258: Security Compliance

    During 11th and 12th grade years, Cybersecurity students will take classes through South Piedmont Community College.


    Full Sail University 

    Full Sail University Partnership

    CATA has entered into a partnership with Full Sail University which gives our students in the IT and Performing Arts academies an opportunity for a scholarship to their school, specialized industry speakers in their field of study and also gives our academy teachers up-to-date professional development. The link to Full Sail University’s page is below, along with a description of the scholarship offered to students that are in the IT and Performing Arts academies.

    Full Sail University Website

    Gateway Scholarship