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    Cafeteria Procedures

    The school cafeteria is maintained as a vital part of the health program of our school. To encourage good nutrition, a well-balanced lunch is offered at a reasonable price. Breakfast will be served each morning from 7:45 a.m. to 8:15 a.m. The cafeteria staff appreciates your cooperation in:

    1. Depositing all lunch/breakfast litter in trashcans.
    2. Leaving the table and floor around your place in a clean condition for others.
    3. Not taking food, drinks or straws from the cafeteria.
    4. Students are responsible for letting their parents know when their account needs money.
    5. Students will be allowed to call home if they have no money in their account.
    6. Students may not charge their lunches to a negative account balance.
    7. Parents will be able to pre-pay for lunches, breakfast and snacks. Students may use the money for lunch, breakfast and/or snacks. Please send checks rather than cash and put your child’s name and lunch number on the check
     QUIET transitions to and from lunch! Everyone! Every class! No exceptions!
     Go through the lunch line ONCE.
     Stay seated and only speak to people near you at the lunch table (not calling across tables and talking stage to floor)
     Keep tables/floors clean and to not burden table cleaners with a lot of mess.