Rising 9th Grader Registration Information
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There have been significant changes in the high school course of study and graduation requirements over the past several years. New requirements are assigned by the year a student enters the ninth grade for the first time. It is imperative that parents and students know and understand the graduation requirements associated with that class of students. The most up-to-date copy of the 2019-2020 Program of Studies, as well as previous years’ versions, can be found on the Union County Public Schools Secondary Education website (http://www.ucps.k12.nc.us/Domain/120).
Every UCPS high school student must:
• meet the course and credit requirements based on when they entered high school as a ninth grader for the first time (see Future Ready Core and Future Ready Occupational course/credit requirements tables)
• earn passing scores on three essential end-of-course tests: NC Math 1 or NC Math 3, Biology, and English II per UCPS Board of Education Policy
• successfully complete Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) training
• meet any additional requirements adopted by the local board of education
There are two courses of study that students may follow to meet graduation requirements. Students will be placed in the Future Ready Core Course of Study as a default option. Union County Public Schools currently requires 28 credits for completion of the Future Ready Core Course of Study.
At Monroe High School, classes are scheduled on a 4x4 Block Schedule. Students will have 4 courses during Semester 1 and 4 courses during Semester 2 of each school year. Students will have an opportunity to take 32 courses for credit across the four years. Please reference the Program of Studies for more detailed information related to course offerings and special programs.
Rising 8th graders will receive the 2021-2022 Registration Card or Registration Form the week of February 15th, 2021. Plan B students will receive their paper copy of the registration card from Monroe HS counselors on either Tuesday (16th) or Wednesday (17th). Plan D students will have access to the online registration form starting Monday, February 15th.
Future Ready Core Course Requirements
English 4 Credits Needed (English I, II, III, & IV)
Math 4 Credits Needed (Math 1, 2, 3, & an additional math course)
Science 3 Credits Needed (Earth & Environmental Science, Biology, & Physical Science OR Chemistry OR Physics)
Social Studies 4 Credits Needed (World History, American History, Economics & Personal Finance, & Civic Literacy)
Health & Physical Education 1 Credit Needed (Health & PE & CPR Training)
Electives 12 Needed (CTE Courses, Art, Band, JROTC, or core subject electives)
Foreign Language 2 Credits Encouraged (Spanish, Spanish Heritage, or French) ^ *
^ All Monroe High students will take at least the 1st Level of a Foreign Language by the end of 10th Grade.
* In order to attend a 4-year college in the UNC System, students are required to take two levels of a Foreign Language by the time they graduate.