Attendance Policy

  • Parents:

    Attendance studies have shown that students with fewer absences and tardies perform better in school than those with a high rate of absenteeism.  We urge families to make school a priority and to schedule vacations, family visits, and appointments around the school calendar.  We understand that this is not always possible. 

    In the event that your child must be absent, arrive late, and/or leave early from school, parents must enter the information in SDM -  Using SDM is our preferred method of communicating attendance information.  If you do not enter the information in SDM, please send an email to Ms. Johnson within three days of a child’s absence.  To help ensure your child’s absence is coded correctly, please be sure your email/note includes the following information:

    • Child’s Legal Name (first and last name)   
    • Child’s Teacher’s Name
    • Date of Absence   
    • Reason for Absence

    All absences, tardies, and early leaves are recorded as unexcused.  When the Data Manager receives the written note AND it meets the Union County Public School Attendance Policy (BOE Policy 4-1a), the absence will be recorded as excused.  

    Parents – Reminder -5 days per semester may be excused with a parent-written note (note must be received within the current 9-week grading period). After 5 parent notes, a physician's/health care provider's note will be required to excuse attendance.

    You can send the note in your child's bookbag or you can e-mail the information to  (e-mail and SDM entries are the same as a written note).

    Students are expected to remain at school the entire school day (7:15 am – 2:00 pm).  Students that are not IN their classroom by 7:30 am are considered tardy.  Students arriving after 7:30 am must have a parent come to the WUES office and sign them in. 

    In the event you need to pick your child up before the school day ends at 2:00 pm, you must arrive at school before 1:30 pm.  For safety reasons, students will not be released after 1:30 pm.  Students will NOT be called to the office before the parent has arrived.

    Absences due to educational opportunity – To request a family trip to be an excused absence, parents must complete the Educational Opportunity form at least 10 days prior to the trip.  Forms are available in the school office and on the website.

    If you have any questions, please contact the school office.

    Thank you for your help in this important matter!


BOE Policy