WUES Educational Opportunity Absence Request
School attendance contributes to academic success. Whenever possible, family vacations should be taken when school is not in session. Students who miss a significant number of school days are at risk for lower academic achievement.
In accordance with UCPS BOE, WUES allows Excused Absences for “participation in a valid educational opportunity, such as travel, additional college visits or service as a legislative or Governor’s page, with prior approval from the principal/designee;”
Educational Opportunity Trips -
This form must be completed and given to the principal at least 10 school days prior to the trip.
WUES allows one educational trip per school year with a maximum of 5 days excused. This determination is made at the principal’s discretion.
Educational trips will not be approved for students who have missed 10% or more of the current school year.
Journal entries for all days absent must follow the provided rubric. (this is separated by grade level)
Before leaving for the trip, the parent/guardian must communicate with the teacher(s) to get assignments. Missed assignments and journal entries must be given to the teacher within 5 school days of returning to school.
Absences will be coded “Unexcused” until the journal and make up work has been given to the teacher.
Please complete this form and email to Mrs. Romanowski and Ms. Johnson at least 10 school days prior to your trip.