Attendance Information

  • Report Absences Here                                            

    • This form is only to be used to report an absence from school.  Early Dismissal procedures are outlined below and are not to be entered in the Absence Reporting Form. *Emails for absences will not be accepted*   Students arriving to school late or returning to school from a medical appointment may continue to sign in to school and turn in their doctor's note in to the front desk. 
    • This form will be considered a parent note unless a Doctor's note, Court documentation or Funeral documentation is uploaded to this form. 
    • Parent notes (including this form) will only be accepted within the same 6 week grading period as which the absence occurred.
    • The Board reserves the right for the School to request additional documentation to excuse an absence. 
    • Absences due to an extended illness (excess of 5 consecutive school or 5 cumulative days in a single semester) may require a statement from a physician. 

    Early Dismissal

    On the occasions that you need your student to be dismissed from school early, please send in a note stating the time of dismissal with your student.  Students should bring the note into the front office before the school day begins so they can be given an early dismissal pass to leave class at the appointed time.  This limits interruptions to classroom instruction as we do not have to call into the classroom to call students down for early dismissal.  The note must include the date, time of dismissal, and parent signature.  Emails will not be accepted.  Phone calls will only be accepted for emergencies. 

    Attendance Reminders  / Contact Information

    • School Phone (704) 290-1520     
    • School Fax (704) 243-0012

    Please understand that every parent note may NOT be coded as “excused.” Absences do NOT go away when they are excused, they are just coded to indicate excused.  If your student is not in the building, they are “absent” regardless of the reason. 

    For example, parent notes for car trouble, personal business, family business, family emergencies, family trip (unless preapproved by the designee), no reason listed and sports showcases are NOT excused under county policy. ( School Board Policy )

    • Medical/Dental appointments MUST be documented with an actual dr note from a dr office, in order to be excused under medical.
    • Absences due to court/legal appearances should be documented with a note from the court/lawyer.
    • Absences for a college visit should be documented by a note from the college on the college letterhead or you may upload a screen shot of  the email you receive from the college thanking you for attending the tour.  We will NOT take an email confirmation for an upcoming tour. Juniors and seniors are only allowed 2 per academic year. 
    • Absences due to a death in the family need to have either a copy of the obituary, a link to an obituary, a church bulletin or a funeral card along with a parent note. 
    • Parent notes for an illness/injury are excused.  However, further documentation may be requsted.  
    • Any educational opportunity must be pre-approved by the school's designee no later than 2 weeks PRIOR to the event.  Approvals are based on attendance and current grades when asked. Educational Opportunity Information
    • Absence notes should be uploaded herePer county policy, all notes MUST be turned in within the 6-week grading period in which the absence occurred to be considered excused (we will take medical/dr notes at any time). 
    • Absences will be coded unexcused in PowerSchool until an excuse is received. Please allow 72 hours for excuse notes to be coded in PowerSchool.
    • Attendance in High School is taken in each block, by the teacher of record. If a student misses more than 15 minutes of a block, then he/she is marked ABSENT for that entire block.
    • If you are marked absent but you were “in class”, you must talk to your teacher first. If your teacher made an error, your teacher will need to ask front office to make the correction.  If you have a substitute, you will still need to talk to your teacher first.

    Exam Exemption Policy applies to teacher-made final exams only and criteria are straight forward. High School students will not be required to take a teacher-made final exam in a course if: *The student has an average of 90 or above the week prior to the administration of the exam. Teacher made exams are defined as tests designed and graded by a UCPS teacher of record for the purpose of assigning an exam grade to a student.

    Teachers will notify students of their likely exam exemption status at least 4 days prior to the first exam date. In order to maintain the likely exemption status at least 4 days prior to the first exam date, students must attend every day up to the first day of exams. 

    Exam exemptions only apply to teacher made tests and are not available in courses which require the administration of an End of Course or state mandated final exams. Students enrolled in AP courses will still be required to take the AP exam. Students are expected to take all other assessments given at the school.

    School Board Policy


    For questions not answered on this page, please email  This email is to be used for questions not answered herein, not for submitting excuse notes.  Any notes received via this email will not be processed.