• Parkwood Middle School is located in Union County, North Carolina. The school is about seven miles south of downtown Monroe, and is approximately 30 miles southeast of Charlotte. Parkwood Middle School is also only minutes away from the historic Town of Waxhaw. The Parkwood school community includes Prospect Elementary, Waxhaw Elementary, Western Union Elementary, and Parkwood High School.

    Mission Statement 
    Our mission is to create a safe, challenging learning environment which allows students to reach their potential and become respectful, responsible, future ready students.

    Classes are in session from 8:45 AM to 3:45 pm. Students are not allowed on campus prior to 8:00 am.

    When arriving, all 6th grade students should report to the cafeteria. All 7th and 8th grade students should report to the gym unless they are eating breakfast at which point they may report to the cafeteria first.


    Students may not ride home on a bus other than the one they are assigned to ride, even if they have a parent note granting permission. If students want to go home with a friend or ride to a different location other than the one assigned to them, they will have to make other arrangements.


    The latest you may pick up your child for early dismissal is 3:00 pm**. This is for your convenience and safety so you can get to your appointment in a timely manner.

     **Our last early dismissal is 3:00pm unless arrangements have been made with an administrator.

    If your child will be picked up early, please send a note in the morning. Your child should bring the note to their homeroom teacher who will then have it sent to the front office. If your child leaves school for a doctor appointment, please remember to send a note from the doctor within three days of the absence.

    Per UCPS attendance policy 4-1b, the first five unlawful (sign-in) tardies accumulated by a student will result in one day of in-school suspension or after school detention (one penalty or the other must be negotiated with the principal). Each accumulation of five unlawful (sign-in) tardies after the first five (ie. 10, 15, 20, etc.) will result in other corrective measures at the discreti on of the principal. Each accumulation of three unlawful sign-outs after the first three (6, 9, 12, 15, etc.) will result in the same penalty being imposed. Documentation to verify lawful tardies or early sign-out must be received within two days of the tardy/early sign-out.


    All absences will be coded unlawful in PowerSchool until a written note is received from the parent or guardian. Students have three(3) days upon re-entering school to turn in absentee notes from parent, guardian or doctor. Notes received after 3 days will not change absence.If an absence/tardy/early dismissal is due to a medical appointment, please bring in a doctor’s note upon the student’s return to school.

    In order for an absence to be excused for educational purposes, an educational form needs to be filled out and returned to the front office for an administrator’s approval.
    Absences due to a death in the immediate family will be excused with a program from the service or a copy of the obituary.


    In the event of an emergency, transportation changes will be taken over the phone and announced at the end of dismissal.

    Transportation changes should be received no later than 3:00pm to ensure that the message gets on the afternoon announcements.


    Cell phones and electronic devices should not be used on campus. If these items are seen or heard by a staff member between 8 :30am and 3:30pm, they will be confiscated and a parent or guardian will have to come to the school to pick up the item, per UCPS policy. The administrative staff will not search for these items if they are lost. Please remind your child to keep these items in his/her book bag and turned off during school hours.  We urge parents not to text your child at school and visa versa. If you need to communicate with your child, please contact the front office.


    At times, parents have come to PWMS to drop off items their children have forgotten. With the exception of emergencies, we cannot interrupt class to give a message or a forgotten item to a student.

    **Fast Food cannot be dropped off or brought in with your student.


    Our nurse, Mrs. Wrenn, is here daily. On days that the nurse may not be in, students who are too sick to remain at school will be encouraged to call their parents and go home. The school does not provide medication, only soap, water, band aids and ice. A student may wait in the office 15 minutes for a parent to pick them up. If the wait time exceeds 15 minutes, a student will need to return to class until the parent arrives, except in the case of an extreme emergency, students will be permitted to stay in the office until a parent arrives.


    All medication including over the counter medication needs to have a medication consent form signed by the doctor.