Message from our Principal

  • Dear Parkwood Community,

    Parkwood Middle School is very excited to welcome you to the 2023 - 2024 school year! At Parkwood Middle School, we are intentionally focusing on safety, positive culture, literacy and student well-being across the community and we believe that every student can learn. It is our goal to create a challenging learning environment which allows students to reach their full potential and become respectful, responsible, future ready students.

    I am writing this letter to let you know that Parkwood Middle School has been designated as a Targeted Support & Improvement Additional Targeted Support (TSI-AT) school and has been designated as a low-performing school by the North Carolina State Board of Education.  As stated in ESSA Section 1111(d)(2), North Carolina had to identify schools for targeted support and improvement. TSI-AT schools in North Carolina are those that have a subgroup that is under-performing. As defined in G.S. 115C-105.37: “The State Board of Education shall identify low-performing schools on an annual basis. Low-performing schools are those that earn an overall school performance grade of D or F and a school growth score of "met expected growth" or "not met expected growth" as defined by G.S. 115C-83.15.” The intent of this opportunity is to improve educational outcomes for all students, close achievement gaps, increase equity, and improve the quality of instruction.

    Legislation (G.S. §115C-83.15) passed during the 2013 long session of the North Carolina General Assembly provides parents with an additional measure of school performance in the form of School Performance Grades. Beginning with the 2013–14 school year, the annual North Carolina School Report Cards display a letter grade of A, B, C, D, or F for each school in the state.

    The School Performance Grades are based 80 percent on our school’s achievement score (student proficiency) and 20 percent on students’ academic growth. At Parkwood Middle School our achievement score for the 2022-2023 school year is based on how well our students performed on Grades 6–8 Mathematics, Grades 6–8 English Language Arts/Reading and Grade 8 Science.

    Parkwood Middle School received a School Performance Grade of D and a growth designation of (Did Not Meet Growth.) for the 2022-2023 school year. Although we are committed to improving this score, it is important to remember that just as no one single score or grade tells the whole story of a student, neither does it tell you everything about the performance of a school or the opportunities that our school provides. (Sustainable Energy Academy, Leader In Me, Peer Group Connections, Portrait of a Graduate, Clubs, Athletics.)

    As a TSI-AT school and as a school designated as low-performing, Parkwood Middle School is required to develop a comprehensive plan that specifically addresses how the school will improve student achievement. The plan will also include how our district will support us and monitor the progress of our school.  The comprehensive plan will address and focus on the following areas:

    • Portrait of a Graduate Framework

    • Sustainable Energy Academy

    • Leader In Me

    • Peer Group Connections

    • 7th grade math tutors

    • 7th grade ELA Interventionist

    • MTSS Interventions

    • 6th and 7th grade Power Up Camp

    • Professional Development aligned with PLC’s, Standards, and Data Driven Instruction

    • Structured PLC process

    • Teacher evaluations that are aligned with Portrait of a Graduate and state standards

    Parent engagement is at the heart of our school improvement efforts. Here are some ways you can help:

    · Make sure that both you and your student are aware of academic expectations set for your student this school year.  A list of learning objectives in student-friendly language is available from your student’s teacher(s).

    · Call Parkwood Middle School (704-296-0655) if you have questions or concerns about your student or to set up an appointment to meet with a school staff member who will be working with your student.

    · Make sure that your student is prepared and attends school each day.

    · Monitor your student’s homework.

     · Monitor the progress your student is making and attend meetings with your student’s teacher(s).

     · Volunteer.

     · Join the PTO

    As a strong family-first community, we will work together with a common goal of student growth and success. We ask for community support and collaboration to maintain fidelity and to build a positive learning environment where we all can celebrate success together. I look forward to working together with students, parents, family, and community members to continue to build on the school’s long-standing tradition of excellence. I am confident that the students at Parkwood Middle School will have a great educational experience in the 2023-2024 school year.

    We are here to support each other and the students. Lead by example throughout the school and build relationships with all students and community members.
    If you have any questions or concerns regarding our School Performance Grade and how we plan to improve, please don’t hesitate to contact the team of administrators at 704-296-0655.


    John DeLucia, Principal

NC School Report Cards

  • UCPS NC Report Card

  • Parkwood Middle School