Indian Trail Elementary NC Report Card

  • Dear Indian Trail Elementary Community,


    The North Carolina Department of Instruction releases statewide accountability results for each school in the district. These scores determine our School Performance Grade. The North Carolina School Report Card includes important information about each individual school as well as student performance, class sizes, attendance, school safety, student discipline, instructional resources, and teacher quality.

    I am pleased to announce for the 2024-2025 school year, Indian Trail Elementary School received a School Performance Grade of a B and, overall, met growth in reading and math. This is a huge cause for celebration for our community and is a testament to the hard work of our teachers, staff, students and parents. For more information and to access the report, please visit the NC School Report Website

    Based on our school results, we have a plan to continue making strides to develop and refine our math skills, as well as to strategically address reading gaps. At Indian Trail Elementary, our plan will focus on three key areas: 1) academics; 2) culture; and 3) safety. Each of these areas contributes to the development of the whole child and impacts overall academic performance.

    1. In academics, we are targeting literacy and will support our teachers with best instructional practices and application of the Science of Reading, which focuses on foundational reading skills. Among other strategies, we will be utilizing tutors and Master Teachers to work with specific groups of students. In the area of math, we will implement a 4th grade math tutoring model and continue to provide high quality math instruction through the 3E math model.

    2. Regarding culture, we are strengthening our school leadership by expanding student leadership opportunities and experiences for our students. Every student will have a personalized leadership notebook that empowers them to track academic and personal goals and celebrations throughout the year. In addition, we will be emphasizing the importance of daily attendance and partnering with you to provide strategies to support learning at home.

    3. In the area of safety, we are continuing with our school wide SOLE expectations (respect for self, others, learning and the environment). As a school, we are placing a focus on providing students with the tools that are necessary to be the most successful they can. Each morning all classrooms will participate in Morning Meeting and will be integrating the LeaderInMe 7 Habits with the UCPS Portrait of a Graduate attributes and Trail Traits.

    We are asking all of our families to partner with Indian Trail Elementary School by:

    1. Ensuring students arrive at school on-time every day as instruction begins promptly at 7:30am

    2. Demonstrating a positive view of education at home

    3. Encouraging reading

    4. Maintaining consistent communication with your child’s teacher on current performance and areas of improvement.

    5. Using similar language to our new school "SOLE" expectations

    At Indian Trail Elementary, we are dedicated to providing your children with the highest quality education and are looking forward to continuing to work together to make this another successful year at The Trail. If you have questions about the school report card or our school improvement initiatives, please reach out. Your feedback is important and valuable. Thank you for your support!


    Katelyn Lustig


NC School Report Cards

  • UCPS NC Report Card

  • Indian Trail Elementary School