Tardy Policy
At CATA, instruction is very important. All students are expected to be in their classrooms and ready to receive instruction before the tardy bell rings for each class. Following the tardy bell, students who are not in class must report to the front office for a tardy pass if they tardy to first period. During the rest of the day teachers will mark students tardy in the Powerschool Attendance System. Only students with a Tardy Pass will be admitted after the tardy bell rings for first period. There is absolutely no food allowed in the classrooms. Students may not bring in food.
Tardies will be recorded as unexcused unless an excuse can be verified by staff. Tardies will result in the following penalties:
All students must report to the office when tardy to first period and to class the rest of the day. Teachers will mark students tardy who are late to 2nd period, 3rd period, and 4th period. If a student is tardy twice in third period on Cougar Time days (Once before class and once after lunch), then the teacher will mark them tardy one time in Power School and write it up as a minor incident in Educator Handbook for the second tardy of the period.
- 1st/2nd Tardy: Warning from an administrator in the front office (1st period) and the teacher in the classroom (all periods).
- 3rd Tardy: Warning from an administrator in the front office (1st period) and the teacher in the classroom (all periods). The teacher will contact the parent on the third tardy by phone.
- 4th/5th Tardy: Warning from an administrator in the front office (1st period) and the teacher in the classroom (all periods) The teacher will submit a discipline referral to the administration and 1 day ASD with administration. The administration will contact the parent.
- 6th/7th Tardy: Warning from an administrator in the front office (1st period) and the teacher in the classroom (all periods). The teacher will submit a discipline referral to the administration and 2 days ASD with the administration. The administration will contact the parent.
- 8th Tardy: Warning from an administrator in the front office (1st period) and the teacher in the classroom (all periods). The teacher will submit a discipline referral to the administration and 3 days ASD. The administration will set up a parent conference, create a written plan, and possible additional consequences.
Please note that administrator warnings will only come from an administrator in the office for first period tardies. Please be sure to give warnings to students in all other periods.
The administration reserves the right to modify consequences on a case-by-case basis whenever appropriate. This may include loss of parking privileges. Students arriving on late buses will not be considered tardy.