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Connect Ed 2/9/2025
Good evening, Piedmont Families-
I want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to our PTO for supplying lunch for our faculty and staff! Our “Souper Bowl” luncheon for staff on Thursday was a huge success! Thank you to those parents who contributed food and beverage items, time, and monetary donations to bring this event to life for our staff. Everyone enjoyed the delicious spread!
CAREER & TECHNICAL EDUCATION WEEK: Piedmont High will be celebrating CTE Week with the following daily themes:
- Monday: CTSO Club Promotion- Where your CTSO or Club gear
- Tuesday: Bright Futures- Wear Neon
- Wednesday: College and Career Day- Wear College Team/Color
- Thursday: Future You- Dress as Your Future Career
- Friday: It All Starts Here- Wear Piedmont Panther gear
CURRENT HIGH SCHOOLERS REGISTRATION: Current 9th, 10th, and 11th grade Piedmont High students have started the registration process for the 2025-2026 school year. Students should have all electives selected in PowerSchool and will need to have a minimum of 11 courses selected prior to meeting with a counselor. If your student missed the homeroom instructions provided last week, they may be found here: PowerSchool Registration Instructions. Individual course registration meetings with counselors will begin this week.
ASVAB OPPORTUNITY: Is your student interested in taking the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) test? This is a required test to enlist in the military but taking the test will in no way obligate them to join. The test will be given at Piedmont High School on Wednesday, February 12th at 8:00 am and is open to all 10th-12th grade students. Complete the form here to sign up. ASVAB Registration Form or contact Maj Richardson at
CLASS OF 2025 INFORMATION: All Seniors received the following handout during Homerooms. Please review the dates and important information including the required dress code. Contact Mrs. Guignard or Mrs. Pitt with any questions or concerns. December Senior Handout
GRADUATION CEREMONY: Monday, June 9, 2025 at 8:00 p.m. In the PHS Stadium.
ATTENDANCE REPORTING (NEW PROCEDURE FOR 2024-2025): UCPS has created an online system for reporting all student absences. UCPS Absence Reporting Form is linked here. You must set up an account in order to report absences this year. There is a way to upload medical/court documents in this form as well. ONLY parents are permitted to set up an absence reporting account and the email used MUST match the parent email on record with the school, or the account will be deleted along with any absences reported. Please be sure that you are using the email account that we send our weekly Connect Ed message to each week.
MORNING ARRIVAL: Our building opens at 8:00 a.m. for all students. For those arriving before 8:00, our cafeteria will be open at 7:30. Students may enter through the glass doors between the cafeteria and the auditorium. All car riders must be dropped off using the Love Mill Rd entrance. DO NOT drop off students using the Sikes Mill Rd. entrance.
BUS RIDERS: We encourage all bus riders to download the Edulog Parent Portal app for the most up-to-date information for bus arrivals/departures. You can find additional information on the UCPS webpage located here:
STUDENT BREAKFAST & LUNCH: The federal waiver granting all students free breakfast and lunch has expired. We encourage all families to complete the free/reduced lunch form found here: If students have not been approved for free/reduced lunch, they are expected to pay for their lunch until they are approved. Families are able to pre-pay for lunch accounts and check student balances using the K12 Payment Center website, which can be found here:
TECHNOLOGY: Students who do not have their new laptops will have an opportunity to receive their laptops on the first day of school. As a reminder, UCPS has implemented a $30 tech fee for all students. You may pay online for the 2024-2025 Piedmont High Tech Fee Link or at the school by cash or check. If you qualify for free and reduced lunch, you will receive a tech fee waiver once you have submitted a copy of the lunch approval letter to our Bookkeeper, Gini Wilson.
STUDENT NEWS AND WEEKLY CALENDAR OF EVENTS: At the beginning of each week, Piedmont High will publish a brief document of weekly events and updates. Please click the following link to see all the activities taking place at Piedmont. Again, the link will update on the first Instructional day of each week. Student News and Weekly Event Calendar Link.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call Piedmont High at 704-296-3170. Thank you and have a great evening.
Connect Ed 2/2/2025
We had a great week at Piedmont High School. Students met with Administration and Student Support members to participate in school safety and procedure meetings. We encourage our families to continue to discuss the importance of school safety, following school policies, and daily attendance.
CURRENT HIGH SCHOOLERS REGISTRATION: Current 9th, 10th, and 11th grade Piedmont High students have started the registration process for the 2025-2026 school year. Students should have all electives selected in PowerSchool and will need to have a minimum of 11 courses selected prior to meeting with a counselor. If your student missed the homeroom instructions provided last week, they may be found here: PowerSchool Registration Instructions . Individual course registration meetings with counselors will begin this week.
ASVAB OPPORTUNITY: Is your student interested in taking the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) test? This is a required test to enlist in the military but taking the test will in no way obligate them to join. The test will be given at Piedmont High School on Wednesday, February 12th at 8:00am and is open to all 10th-12th grade students. Complete the form here to sign up. ASVAB Registration Form or contact Maj Richardson at
CLASS OF 2025 INFORMATION: All Seniors received the following handout during Homerooms. Please review the dates and important information including the required dress code. Contact Mrs. Guignard or Mrs. Pitt with any questions or concerns. December Senior Handout
GRADUATION CEREMONY: Monday, June 9, 2025 at 8:00 p.m. In the PHS Stadium.
ATTENDANCE REPORTING (NEW PROCEDURE FOR 2024-2025): UCPS has created an online system for reporting all student absences. UCPS Absence Reporting Form is linked here. You must set up an account in order to report absences this year. There is a way to upload medical/court documents in this form as well. ONLY parents are permitted to set up an absence reporting account and the email used MUST match the parent email on record with the school, or the account will be deleted along with any absences reported. Please be sure that you are using the email account that we send our weekly Connect Ed message to each week.
MORNING ARRIVAL: Our building opens at 8:00 a.m. for all students. For those arriving before 8:00, our cafeteria will be open at 7:30. Students may enter through the glass doors between the cafeteria and the auditorium. All car riders must be dropped off using the Love Mill Rd entrance. DO NOT drop off students using the Sikes Mill Rd. entrance.
BUS RIDERS: We encourage all bus riders to download the Edulog Parent Portal app for the most up-to-date information for bus arrivals/departures. You can find additional information on the UCPS webpage located here:
STUDENT BREAKFAST & LUNCH: The federal waiver granting all students free breakfast and lunch has expired. We encourage all families to complete the free/reduced lunch form found here: If students have not been approved for free/reduced lunch, they are expected to pay for their lunch until they are approved. Families are able to pre-pay for lunch accounts and check student balances using the K12 Payment Center website, which can be found here:
TECHNOLOGY: Students who do not have their new laptops will have an opportunity to receive their laptops on the first day of school. As a reminder, UCPS has implemented a $30 tech fee for all students. You may pay online for the 2024-2025 Piedmont High Tech Fee Link or at the school by cash or check. If you qualify for free and reduced lunch, you will receive a tech fee waiver once you have submitted a copy of the lunch approval letter to our Bookkeeper, Gini Wilson.
STUDENT NEWS AND WEEKLY CALENDAR OF EVENTS: At the beginning of each week, Piedmont High will publish a brief document of weekly events and updates. Please click the following link to see all the activities taking place at Piedmont. Again, the link will update on the first Instructional day of each week. Student News and Weekly Event Calendar Link.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call Piedmont High at 704-296-3170. Thank you and have a great evening.
Connect Ed 1/26/2025
We have had a great start to our 2nd-semester. Thank you for your patience as our counseling team has worked to adjust our master schedule and fulfill schedule correction requests.
ADMINISTRATION TEAM CHANGE: Ms. Tiphany Speck has joined our Administrative Team as our new Assistant Principal. Ms. Speck has previously worked as the Social Studies Department Chair and Testing Coordinator. She will support student last names A-Go.
SCHEDULE CORRECTIONS FOR SECOND SEMESTER: Our schedule correction link for 2nd semester will continue to be available on January 24, and 27, 2025. As a reminder, we only change schedules for the following reasons:
- Have not taken the proper prerequisite classes
- Missing a class for graduation
- Adjusting rigor level (ex. CP to Honors level or Honors to CP)
- Empty class period in the current schedule
CURRENT HIGH SCHOOLERS REGISTRATION: Current 9th, 10th, and 11th grade Piedmont High students have started the registration process for the 2025-2026 school year. Students received instructions on Friday to begin selecting electives in PowerSchool under Class Registration. Students should have all electives selected in PowerSchool before January 31, 2025, and will need to have a minimum of 11 courses selected. Individual course registration meetings with counselors will begin in February.
ADVANCED PLACEMENT (AP) INTEREST MEETINGS FOR 2025-2026 SCHOOL YEAR: Students that completed the AP Interest Meeting form will receive a pass from their first block teacher on Tuesday morning. This pass will include the student's name, AP interest meeting(s) course name, block in which the AP meeting is being held, and the classroom location for the meeting. Students are expected to check in with their teacher at the beginning of the block, show their teacher the pass, then report directly to their scheduled AP Interest Meeting.
STUDENT PARKING: The last day to purchase parking passes for 1st semester was December 13, 2024. Parking pass sales will begin again for 2nd semester on January 15, 2025. Please visit the Piedmont High School website and click on “Student Life” and then “Student Parking” for information on how to purchase a pass.
CLASS OF 2025 INFORMATION: All Seniors received the following handout during Homerooms. Please review the dates and important information including the required dress code. Contact Mrs. Guignard or Mrs. Pitt with any questions or concerns. December Senior Handout
GRADUATION CEREMONY: Monday, June 9, 2025 at 8:00 p.m. In the PHS Stadium.
ATTENDANCE REPORTING (NEW PROCEDURE FOR 2024-2025): UCPS has created an online system for reporting all student absences. UCPS Absence Reporting Form is linked here. You must set up an account in order to report absences this year. There is a way to upload medical/court documents in this form as well. ONLY parents are permitted to set up an absence reporting account and the email used MUST match the parent email on record with the school, or the account will be deleted along with any absences reported. Please be sure that you are using the email account that we send our weekly Connect Ed message to each week.
MORNING ARRIVAL: Our building opens at 8:00 a.m. for all students. For those arriving before 8:00, our cafeteria will be open at 7:30. Students may enter through the glass doors between the cafeteria and the auditorium. All car riders must be dropped off using the Love Mill Rd entrance. DO NOT drop off students using the Sikes Mill Rd. entrance.
BUS RIDERS: We encourage all bus riders to download the Edulog Parent Portal app for the most up-to-date information for bus arrivals/departures. You can find additional information on the UCPS webpage located here:
STUDENT BREAKFAST & LUNCH: The federal waiver granting all students free breakfast and lunch has expired. We encourage all families to complete the free/reduced lunch form found here: If students have not been approved for free/reduced lunch, they are expected to pay for their lunch until they are approved. Families are able to pre-pay for lunch accounts and check student balances using the K12 Payment Center website, which can be found here:
TECHNOLOGY: Students who do not have their new laptops will have an opportunity to receive their laptops on the first day of school. As a reminder, UCPS has implemented a $30 tech fee for all students. You may pay online for the 2024-2025 Piedmont High Tech Fee Link or at the school by cash or check. If you qualify for free and reduced lunch, you will receive a tech fee waiver once you have submitted a copy of the lunch approval letter to our Bookkeeper, Gini Wilson.
STUDENT NEWS AND WEEKLY CALENDAR OF EVENTS: At the beginning of each week, Piedmont High will publish a brief document of weekly events and updates. Please click the following link to see all the activities taking place at Piedmont. Again, the link will update on the first Instructional day of each week. Student News and Weekly Event Calendar Link.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call Piedmont High at 704-296-3170. Thank you and have a great evening.
Connect Ed 1/19/2025
Good evening, Piedmont Families-
I want to say thank you to everyone for your cooperation during our Exam week. We are looking forward to finalizing our 1st semester and beginning our 2nd semester on Tuesday, January 21st. Below you will find several updates for the 2nd semester, as well as several reminders. I hope everyone enjoys the extra day off in celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
ADMINISTRATION TEAM CHANGE: Ms. Tiphany Speck will be joining our Administrative Team as our new Assistant Principal. Ms. Speck has previously worked as the Social Studies Department Chair and Testing Coordinator. She will begin her new role on Tuesday, January 21st. She will support student last names A-Go.
UCPS SCHEDULE ADJUSTMENT: All UCPS schools will be closed on Monday, January 20th in recognition of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. We will resume our normal schedule on Tuesday, January 21st.
2nd-SEMESTER SCHEDULES: All students will report directly to their Homeroom teacher on Tuesday, January 21st to receive their most up-to-date schedule.
SCHEDULE CORRECTIONS FOR SECOND SEMESTER: Our schedule correction link for 2nd semester will be available on January 21, 22, 23, 24, and 27, 2025. As a reminder, we only change schedules for the following reasons:
- Have not taken the proper prerequisite classes
- Missing a class for graduation
- Adjusting rigor level (ex. CP to Honors level or Honors to CP)
- Empty class period in the current schedule
CURRENT HIGH SCHOOLERS REGISTRATION: Current 9th, 10th, and 11th grade Piedmont High students will begin the registration process for the 2025-2026 school year in January 2025. Students will have individual course registration meetings with counselors beginning in February. We will host a Parent Drop-In Registration Session on January 9, 2025, from 5:00-7:00 pm in the cafeteria, where parents and students will have the opportunity to speak with high school counselors and school representatives about course registration.
ADVANCED PLACEMENT (AP) INTEREST MEETINGS FOR 2025-2026 SCHOOL YEAR: Students interested in taking any AP courses for the 2025-2026 school year, will need to complete the form below and attend the appropriate meeting(s) for the course(s) for which they are interested. AP Interest meetings will be held on January 28, 2025, throughout the day. Please note that this form will close on January 22, 2025.
AP Interest Meeting Form for 2025-2026 School Year
STUDENT PARKING: The last day to purchase parking passes for 1st semester was December 13, 2024. Parking pass sales will begin again for 2nd semester on January 15, 2025. Please visit the Piedmont High School website and click on “Student Life” and then “Student Parking” for information on how to purchase a pass.
CLASS OF 2025 INFORMATION: All Seniors received the following handout during Homerooms. Please review the dates and important information including the required dress code. Contact Mrs. Guignard or Mrs. Pitt with any questions or concerns. December Senior Handout
GRADUATION CEREMONY: Monday, June 9, 2025 at 8:00 p.m. In the PHS Stadium.
ATTENDANCE REPORTING (NEW PROCEDURE FOR 2024-2025): UCPS has created an online system for reporting all student absences. UCPS Absence Reporting Form is linked here. You must set up an account in order to report absences this year. There is a way to upload medical/court documents in this form as well. ONLY parents are permitted to set up an absence reporting account and the email used MUST match the parent email on record with the school, or the account will be deleted along with any absences reported. Please be sure that you are using the email account that we send our weekly Connect Ed message to each week.
MORNING ARRIVAL: Our building opens at 8:00 a.m. for all students. For those arriving before 8:00, our cafeteria will be open at 7:30. Students may enter through the glass doors between the cafeteria and the auditorium. All car riders must be dropped off using the Love Mill Rd entrance. DO NOT drop off students using the Sikes Mill Rd. entrance.
BUS RIDERS: We encourage all bus riders to download the Edulog Parent Portal app for the most up-to-date information for bus arrivals/departures. You can find additional information on the UCPS webpage located here:
STUDENT BREAKFAST & LUNCH: The federal waiver granting all students free breakfast and lunch has expired. We encourage all families to complete the free/reduced lunch form found here: If students have not been approved for free/reduced lunch, they are expected to pay for their lunch until they are approved. Families are able to pre-pay for lunch accounts and check student balances using the K12 Payment Center website, which can be found here:
TECHNOLOGY: Students who do not have their new laptops will have an opportunity to receive their laptops on the first day of school. As a reminder, UCPS has implemented a $30 tech fee for all students. You may pay online for the 2024-2025 Piedmont High Tech Fee Link or at the school by cash or check. If you qualify for free and reduced lunch, you will receive a tech fee waiver once you have submitted a copy of the lunch approval letter to our Bookkeeper, Gini Wilson.
STUDENT NEWS AND WEEKLY CALENDAR OF EVENTS: At the beginning of each week, Piedmont High will publish a brief document of weekly events and updates. Please click the following link to see all the activities taking place at Piedmont. Again, the link will update on the first Instructional day of each week. Student News and Weekly Event Calendar Link.
Connect Ed 1/5/2025
I hope that everyone had a fantastic Holiday Break! I look forward to beginning a new year and returning to our normal routine on Monday morning. We will have four instructional days before we begin our end-of-semester exams on Friday, January 10th. You can find a more detailed schedule and information below.
ADMINISTRATION TEAM CHANGE: Mrs. Amanda Starnes will be transitioning into her new role as the Principal of Piedmont Middle School beginning January 6th. We want to wish her the best in her new role and thank her for all that she has done for Piedmont High School. We are in the process of identifying and onboarding her replacement as soon as possible. In the meantime, Mrs. Conklin and Mr. Martin will continue to support our faculty and students. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call Piedmont High and ask for an administrator.
EXAM INFORMATION AND SCHEDULE: We have four instructional days remaining before beginning our end-of-year testing. Students will take their 1st block exam on Friday, January 10th. All final EOC, CTE, and teacher-made exams will occur according to the schedule listed below. Students will report to their classroom teacher on campus each day for their respective exams. The final exam accounts for 25% of the student’s final grade in each course. According to UCPS Board of Education Policy, students taking EOC courses must score at the proficient level (Level 3 or higher) as a graduation requirement. Students who are not proficient will have the opportunity to remediate and retake the test at the end of the school year. If you are unsure whether or not your child’s exam is a state exam or teacher-made, please ask your student or reach out to the classroom teacher of record. This a reminder that all state exams – EOC & CTE – cannot be exempted. Once students arrive on campus, they are expected to report to their testing locations. Please be on time and ready to begin testing at 8:20.
1st Block Exams = Friday, January 10th
2nd Block Exams = Monday, January 13th
3rd Block Exams = Tuesday, January 14th
4th Block Exams = Wednesday, January 15th
Make-up Exams = Thursday, January 16th *By invitation only*
EXAM EXEMPTIONS: Students with an overall average of 90 or above in a class will be exempted from any teacher-made exams. EOC and CTE-state tests CANNOT be exempted. If you have any questions about exam exemptions, please have your student reach out to their classroom teacher.
EXAM TRANSPORTATION: Our buses will run at regular times in the morning. Beginning Friday, January 10th, our buses will run as soon as all testing has been completed. Students will have the opportunity to get a grab-and-go lunch before departing for the day. Car riders will be dismissed as soon as all exams are complete. With all students being dismissed early, students DO NOT need to provide a sign-out note.
LAPTOPS DURING EXAMS: Students will need their laptops for each day of exams; therefore, it is important to remind them to bring their laptops AND chargers to school for each exam day. If your child’s laptop is not working properly, they should come by the Media Center ASAP to see Mrs. Washington for technical assistance as there are limited loaners available for testing.
ATTENDANCE RECOVERY: We continue to offer academic remediation and attendance recovery for those students with more than 7 unexcused absences. As a reminder, according to UCPS Board of Education policy, any student with more than 7 unexcused absences will not receive academic credit for their class. Students with more than 7 unexcused absences are required to attend attendance recovery to make up missed classroom time. Piedmont High’s Attendance Recovery Schedule can be found on our school website or by clicking the following link: Attendance Recovery Schedule.
STUDENT PARKING: The last day to purchase parking passes for 1st semester was December 13, 2024. Parking pass sales will begin again for 2nd semester on January 15, 2025. Please visit the Piedmont High School website and click on “Student Life” and then “Student Parking” for information on how to purchase a pass.
CURRENT HIGH SCHOOLERS REGISTRATION: Current 9th, 10th, and 11th grade Piedmont High students will begin the registration process for the 2025-2026 school year in January 2025. Students will have individual course registration meetings with counselors beginning in February. We will host a Parent Drop-In Registration Session on January 9, 2025, from 5:00-7:00 pm in the cafeteria, where parents and students will have the opportunity to speak with high school counselors and school representatives about course registration.
SCHEDULE CORRECTIONS FOR SECOND SEMESTER: Our schedule correction link for 2nd semester will be available on January 9 & 10, 2025, and January 21, 22, 23, 24, and 27, 2025. As a reminder, we only change schedules for the following reasons:
- Have not taken the proper prerequisite classes
- Missing a class for graduation
- Adjusting rigor level (ex. CP to Honors level or Honors to CP)
- Empty class period in the current schedule
ADVANCED PLACEMENT (AP) INTEREST MEETINGS FOR 2025-2026 SCHOOL YEAR: Students interested in taking any AP courses for the 2025-2026 school year, will need to complete the form below and attend the appropriate meeting(s) for the course(s) for which they are interested. AP Interest meetings will be held on January 28, 2025, throughout the day. Please note that this form will close on January 22, 2025.
AP Interest Meeting Form for 2025-2026 School Year
CLASS OF 2025 INFORMATION: All Seniors received the following handout during Homerooms. Please review the dates and important information including the required dress code. Contact Mrs. Guignard or Mrs. Pitt with any questions or concerns. December Senior Handout
GRADUATION CEREMONY: Monday, June 9, 2025 at 8:00 p.m. In the PHS Stadium.
ATTENDANCE REPORTING (NEW PROCEDURE FOR 2024-2025): UCPS has created an online system for reporting all student absences. UCPS Absence Reporting Form is linked here. You must set up an account in order to report absences this year. There is a way to upload medical/court documents in this form as well. ONLY parents are permitted to set up an absence reporting account and the email used MUST match the parent email on record with the school, or the account will be deleted along with any absences reported. Please be sure that you are using the email account that we send our weekly Connect Ed message to each week.
MORNING ARRIVAL: Our building opens at 8:00 a.m. for all students. For those arriving before 8:00, our cafeteria will be open at 7:30. Students may enter through the glass doors between the cafeteria and the auditorium. All car riders must be dropped off using the Love Mill Rd entrance. DO NOT drop off students using the Sikes Mill Rd. entrance.
BUS RIDERS: Thank you for your patience as we continue to refine our bus routes. Please understand that driver shortages may cause daily changes to our bus routes. We encourage all bus riders to download the Edulog Parent Portal app for the most up-to-date information for bus arrivals/departures. You can find additional information on the UCPS webpage located here: Students will also have the opportunity to meet with an Assistant Principal during lunches to confirm their afternoon bus route.
STUDENT BREAKFAST & LUNCH: The federal waiver granting all students free breakfast and lunch has expired. We encourage all families to complete the free/reduced lunch form found here: If students have not been approved for free/reduced lunch, they are expected to pay for their lunch until they are approved. Families are able to pre-pay for lunch accounts and check student balances using the K12 Payment Center website, which can be found here:
TECHNOLOGY: Students who do not have their new laptops will have an opportunity to receive their laptops on the first day of school. As a reminder, UCPS has implemented a $30 tech fee for all students. You may pay online for the 2024-2025 Piedmont High Tech Fee Link or at the school by cash or check. If you qualify for free and reduced lunch, you will receive a tech fee waiver once you have submitted a copy of the lunch approval letter to our Bookkeeper, Gini Wilson.
STUDENT NEWS AND WEEKLY CALENDAR OF EVENTS: At the beginning of each week, Piedmont High will publish a brief document of weekly events and updates. Please click the following link to see all the activities taking place at Piedmont. Again, the link will update on the first Instructional day of each week. Student News and Weekly Event Calendar Link.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call Piedmont High at 704-296-3170. Thank you and have a great evening.
Connect Ed 12/15/2024
Good evening, Piedmont Families-
I want to reiterate how well our students did this past Monday on our practice safety drill. Please continue to discuss the importance of our safety drills. We look forward to a shortened week as we head into our holiday season. We will continue academic reviews in our classes as we prepare for end-of-semester exams. It will be important for all student to be here daily for the conclusion of the first semester. Below you will find our weekly updates and reminders
WEEKLY SCHEDULE ADJUSTMENT: All UCPS schools will be closed on Friday, December 20th. Beginning Friday, Piedmont High will be closed until January 6th. All voicemails will be answered as soon as possible upon our return to school.
ATTENDANCE RECOVERY: We continue to offer academic remediation and attendance recovery for those students with more than 7 unexcused absences. As a reminder, according to UCPS Board of Education policy, any student with more than 7 unexcused absences will not receive academic credit for their class. Students with more than 7 unexcused absences are required to attend attendance recovery to make-up missed classroom time. Piedmont High’s Attendance Recovery Schedule can be found on our school website or clicking the following link: Attendance Recovery Schedule.
STUDENT PARKING: The last day to purchase parking passes for 1st semester was December 13, 2024. Parking pass sales will begin again for 2nd semester on January 15, 2025. Please visit the Piedmont High School website and click on “Student Life” and then “Student Parking” for information on how to purchase a pass.
CURRENT HIGH SCHOOLERS REGISTRATION: Current 9th, 10th, and 11th grade Piedmont High students will begin the registration process for the 2025-2026 school year in January 2025. Students will have individual course registration meetings with counselors beginning in February. We will host a Parent Drop-In Registration Session on January 9, 2025 from 5:00-7:00pm in the cafeteria, where parents and students will have the opportunity to speak with high school counselors and school representatives about course registration.
SCHEDULE CORRECTIONS FOR SECOND SEMESTER: Our schedule correction link for 2nd semester will be available January 9 & 10, 2025, and January 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 2025. As a reminder, we only change schedules for the following reasons:
- Have not taken the proper prerequisite classes
- Missing a class for graduation
- Adjusting rigor level (ex. CP to Honors level or Honors to CP)
- Empty class period in the current schedule
ADVANCED PLACEMENT (AP) INTEREST MEETINGS FOR 2025-2026 SCHOOL YEAR: Students interested in taking any AP courses for the 2025-2026 school year, will need to complete the form below and attend the appropriate meeting(s) for the course(s) for which they are interested. AP Interest meetings will be held on January 28, 2025 throughout the day. Please note, this form will close on January 22, 2025.
AP Interest Meeting Form for 2025-2026 School Year
PTO INFORMATION: It’s hard to believe we are already in the month of December! We sincerely thank each of you who’ve supported Piedmont High School’s PTO this year. A special shout out goes to the following Panther Partners who generously donated $500 or more to the PTO: Unionville Market, 9Round Mint Hill, and Southern Piedmont Piping! Please check out these businesses in our community and thank them for their support. On 12/17 and 12/19, we are hosting two special days providing staff members with breakfast and sweet treats. We are looking for assistance and have included a SignUPGenius link for those wishing to donate food and beverages.
CLASS OF 2025 INFORMATION: All Seniors received the following handout during Homerooms. Please review the dates and important information including the required dress code. Contact Mrs. Guignard or Mrs. Pitt with any questions or concerns. December Senior Handout
GRADUATION CEREMONY: Monday, June 9, 2025 at 8:00 p.m. In the PHS Stadium.
ATHLETIC BOOSTER CLUB MEETING: Our next Athletic Booster Club meeting will take place on December 16th @ 6:30 PM.
ATTENDANCE REPORTING (NEW PROCEDURE FOR 2024-2025): UCPS has created an online system for reporting all student absences. UCPS Absence Reporting Form is linked here. You must set up an account in order to report absences this year. There is a way to upload medical/court documents in this form as well. ONLY parents are permitted to set up an absence reporting account and the email used MUST match the parent email on record with the school, or the account will be deleted along with any absences reported. Please be sure that you are using the email account that we send our weekly Connect Ed message to each week.
MORNING ARRIVAL: Our building opens at 8:00 a.m. for all students. For those arriving before 8:00, our cafeteria will be open at 7:30. Students may enter through the glass doors between the cafeteria and the auditorium. All car riders must be dropped off using the Love Mill Rd entrance. DO NOT drop off students using the Sikes Mill Rd. entrance.
BUS RIDERS: Thank you for your patience as we continue to refine our bus routes. Please understand that driver shortages may cause daily changes to our bus routes. We encourage all bus riders to download the Edulog Parent Portal app for the most up-to-date information for bus arrivals/departures. You can find additional information on the UCPS webpage located here: Students will also have the opportunity to meet with an Assistant Principal during lunches to confirm their afternoon bus route.
STUDENT BREAKFAST & LUNCH: The federal waiver granting all students free breakfast and lunch has expired. We encourage all families to complete the free/reduced lunch form found here: If students have not been approved for free/reduced lunch, they are expected to pay for their lunch until they are approved. Families are able to pre-pay for lunch accounts and check student balances using the K12 Payment Center website, which can be found here:
TECHNOLOGY: Students who do not have their new laptops will have an opportunity to receive their laptops on the first day of school. As a reminder, UCPS has implemented a $30 tech fee for all students. You may pay online for the 2024-2025 Piedmont High Tech Fee Link or at the school by cash or check. If you qualify for free and reduced lunch, you will receive a tech fee waiver once you have submitted a copy of the lunch approval letter to our Bookkeeper, Gini Wilson.
STUDENT NEWS AND WEEKLY CALENDAR OF EVENTS: At the beginning of each week, Piedmont High will publish a brief document of weekly events and updates. Please click the following link to see all the activities taking place at Piedmont. Again, the link will update on the first Instructional day of each week. Student News and Weekly Event Calendar Link.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call Piedmont High at 704-296-3170. Thank you and have a great evening.
Connect Ed 12/8/2024
Thank you all for another great week at Piedmont High School. Many teachers have begun the review phase of their course in preparation for upcoming end-of-semester testing. Please continue to reiterate to your students the importance of daily attendance and active participation in their classes. Below you will find our weekly updates and reminders.
ATTENDANCE RECOVERY: We continue to offer academic remediation and attendance recovery for those students with more than 7 unexcused absences. As a reminder, according to UCPS Board of Education policy, any student with more than 7 unexcused absences will not receive academic credit for their class. Students with more than 7 unexcused absences are required to attend attendance recovery to make up missed classroom time. Piedmont High’s Attendance Recovery Schedule can be found on our school website or by clicking the following link: Attendance Recovery Schedule.
STUDENT PARKING: The last day to purchase parking passes for 1st semester will be December 13, 2024. Parking pass sales will begin again for 2nd semester on January 15, 2025. Please visit the Piedmont High School website and click on “Student Life” and then “Student Parking” for information on how to purchase a pass.
CAREER PLANNING PARENT INFORMATION SESSION: UCPS CTE will be hosting a virtual Career Planning Parent Information Session on December 10th at 6:30 pm. Please share the following information with your school community. Career Planning with Major Clarity Parent Information Session Tuesday, December 10, 2024, 6:30-7:30 pm This session will provide parents with information regarding career planning through the Major Clarity platform which is available to all students grades 6-12. Participants will get a demonstration of the service and how students use the service to complete their career plans.
PTO INFORMATION: It’s hard to believe we are already in the month of December! We sincerely thank each of you who’ve supported Piedmont High School’s PTO this year. A special shout-out goes to the following Panther Partners who generously donated $500 or more to the PTO: Unionville Market, 9Round Mint Hill, and Southern Piedmont Piping! Please check out these businesses in our community and thank them for their support. Next Thursday, December 12th is another dine-out fundraising night at our local Jersey Mike’s in Monroe! Please make plans to grab dinner for your family and tell them you are with Piedmont High School PTO. They are giving 25% of sales back to our PTO, which is incredible! If you want to place an order online, there is even a code to use that will apply to Piedmont as well. On 12/17 and 12/19, we are hosting two special days providing staff members with breakfast and sweet treats. We are looking for assistance and have included a SignUPGenius link for those wishing to donate food and beverages.
CLASS OF 2025 INFORMATION: All Seniors received the following handout during Homerooms. Please review the dates and important information including the required dress code. Contact Mrs. Guignard or Mrs. Pitt with any questions or concerns. December Senior Handout
GRADUATION CEREMONY: Monday, June 9, 2025 at 8:00 p.m. In the PHS Stadium.
ATHLETIC BOOSTER CLUB MEETING: Our next Athletic Booster Club meeting will take place on December 16th @ 6:30 PM.
ATTENDANCE REPORTING (NEW PROCEDURE FOR 2024-2025): UCPS has created an online system for reporting all student absences. UCPS Absence Reporting Form is linked here. You must set up an account in order to report absences this year. There is a way to upload medical/court documents in this form as well. ONLY parents are permitted to set up an absence reporting account and the email used MUST match the parent email on record with the school, or the account will be deleted along with any absences reported. Please be sure that you are using the email account that we send our weekly Connect Ed message to each week.
MORNING ARRIVAL: Our building opens at 8:00 a.m. for all students. For those arriving before 8:00, our cafeteria will be open at 7:30. Students may enter through the glass doors between the cafeteria and the auditorium. All car riders must be dropped off using the Love Mill Rd entrance. DO NOT drop off students using the Sikes Mill Rd. entrance.
BUS RIDERS: Thank you for your patience as we continue to refine our bus routes. Please understand that driver shortages may cause daily changes to our bus routes. We encourage all bus riders to download the Edulog Parent Portal app for the most up-to-date information for bus arrivals/departures. You can find additional information on the UCPS webpage located here: Students will also have the opportunity to meet with an Assistant Principal during lunches to confirm their afternoon bus route.
STUDENT BREAKFAST & LUNCH: The federal waiver granting all students free breakfast and lunch has expired. We encourage all families to complete the free/reduced lunch form found here: If students have not been approved for free/reduced lunch, they are expected to pay for their lunch until they are approved. Families are able to pre-pay for lunch accounts and check student balances using the K12 Payment Center website, which can be found here:
TECHNOLOGY: Students who do not have their new laptops will have an opportunity to receive their laptops on the first day of school. As a reminder, UCPS has implemented a $30 tech fee for all students. You may pay online for the 2024-2025 Piedmont High Tech Fee Link or at the school by cash or check. If you qualify for free and reduced lunch, you will receive a tech fee waiver once you have submitted a copy of the lunch approval letter to our Bookkeeper, Gini Wilson.
STUDENT NEWS AND WEEKLY CALENDAR OF EVENTS: At the beginning of each week, Piedmont High will publish a brief document of weekly events and updates. Please click the following link to see all the activities taking place at Piedmont. Again, the link will update on the first Instructional day of each week. Student News and Weekly Event Calendar Link.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call Piedmont High at 704-296-3170. Thank you and have a great evening.
Connect Ed 12/1/2024
Good evening, Piedmont Families-
I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving break. We look forward to resuming a normal schedule tomorrow morning. When we return, we will have three weeks before our Holiday Break. Many teachers have begun the review phase of their course in preparation for upcoming end-of-semester testing. Please continue to reiterate to your students the importance of daily attendance and active participation in their classes. Below you will find our weekly updates and reminders.
ATTENDANCE RECOVERY: We continue to offer academic remediation and attendance recovery for those students with more than 7 unexcused absences. As a reminder, according to UCPS Board of Education policy, any student with more than 7 unexcused absences will not receive academic credit for their class. Students with more than 7 unexcused absences are required to attend attendance recovery to make-up missed classroom time. Piedmont High’s Attendance Recovery Schedule can be found on our school website or clicking the following link: Attendance Recovery Schedule.
PTO INFORMATION: 20% OFF FLASH SALE starts Monday, November 25th on the remaining inventory of red Panther spirit t-shirts along with the blue Senior (Class of ’25) t-shirts! If you’d like to take advantage of our 20% off sale and gift your favorite Panther a shirt, please visit the following link beginning Monday. PTO will sponsor two staff appreciation days during the last week of school before the holiday break, providing breakfast and sweet treats for two days. We would love for every staff member to receive a $5 gift card as a “thank you” and will send out a sign-up genius after Thanksgiving break for those willing to purchase and donate. As always, please contact the PTO Chair Committee with any questions or sponsorship interests at If you haven't joined our PTO, it's not too late! Please visit the following link, to join. As always, thank you for supporting the staff and students of PHS through your PTO contributions!
CLASS OF 2025 INFORMATION: You can find Senior Information on our Class of 2025 school webpage: For up-to-date information regarding scholarships, financial aid, and college information, please visit our Counseling webpage! Go to the Piedmont HS website go to Student Life in the upper right corner and click on Counseling. There are many resources available, specifically under the College Resources and Scholarships tab along the left-side menu. This page will be updated regularly as we receive important information for your senior as well as scholarship opportunities throughout the year. Be sure to scroll down the page to catch all of the information available for you and your senior. Please reach out to our Counseling office if you have any questions.
GRADUATION CEREMONY: Monday, June 9, 2025 at 8:00 p.m. In the PHS Stadium.
ATTENDANCE REPORTING (NEW PROCEDURE FOR 2024-2025): UCPS has created an online system for reporting all student absences. UCPS Absence Reporting Form is linked here. You must set up an account in order to report absences this year. There is a way to upload medical/court documents in this form as well. ONLY parents are permitted to set up an absence reporting account and the email used MUST match the parent email on record with the school, or the account will be deleted along with any absences reported. Please be sure that you are using the email account that we send our weekly Connect Ed message to each week.
MORNING ARRIVAL: Our building opens at 8:00 a.m. for all students. For those arriving before 8:00, our cafeteria will be open at 7:30. Students may enter through the glass doors between the cafeteria and the auditorium. All car riders must be dropped off using the Love Mill Rd entrance. DO NOT drop off students using the Sikes Mill Rd. entrance.
BUS RIDERS: Thank you for your patience as we continue to refine our bus routes. Please understand that driver shortages may cause daily changes to our bus routes. We encourage all bus riders to download the Edulog Parent Portal app for the most up-to-date information for bus arrivals/departures. You can find additional information on the UCPS webpage located here: Students will also have the opportunity to meet with an Assistant Principal during lunches to confirm their afternoon bus route.
STUDENT PARKING: As a reminder, all students who park on campus must have 24-25 Piedmont High School parking pass. There are still parking spaces available in the Stadium Lot. Please visit the Student Parking page on our school website to purchase. Any student who parks on campus without a pass will be subject to fines. It is important for all students to park in their assigned parking spots every day. If you have any parking questions, please get in touch with Amanda Starnes at or 704-296-3170.
STUDENT BREAKFAST & LUNCH: The federal waiver granting all students free breakfast and lunch has expired. We encourage all families to complete the free/reduced lunch form found here: If students have not been approved for free/reduced lunch, they are expected to pay for their lunch until they are approved. Families are able to pre-pay for lunch accounts and check student balances using the K12 Payment Center website, which can be found here:
TECHNOLOGY: Students who do not have their new laptops will have an opportunity to receive their laptops on the first day of school. As a reminder, UCPS has implemented a $30 tech fee for all students. You may pay online for the 2024-2025 Piedmont High Tech Fee Link or at the school by cash or check. If you qualify for free and reduced lunch, you will receive a tech fee waiver once you have submitted a copy of the lunch approval letter to our Bookkeeper, Gini Wilson.
STUDENT NEWS AND WEEKLY CALENDAR OF EVENTS: At the beginning of each week, Piedmont High will publish a brief document of weekly events and updates. Please click the following link to see all the activities taking place at Piedmont. Again, the link will update on the first Instructional day of each week. Student News and Weekly Event Calendar Link.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call Piedmont High at 704-296-3170. Thank you and have a great evening.
Connect Ed 11/25/2024
Below you will find our weekly updates and reminders.
WEEKLY SCHEDULE ADJUSTMENT: All UCPS schools will be closed Wednesday, November 27th thru Friday, November 29th. We will return to a normal schedule on Monday, December 2nd. Piedmont High Front Office will also be closed during this time. All voicemails and emails will be answered as soon as possible on Monday, December 2nd.
PTO INFORMATION: 20% OFF FLASH SALE starts Monday, November 25th on the remaining inventory of red Panther spirit t-shirts along with the blue Senior (Class of ’25) t-shirts! If you’d like to take advantage of our 20% off sale and gift your favorite Panther a shirt, please visit the following link beginning Monday. PTO will sponsor two staff appreciation days during the last week of school before the holiday break, providing breakfast and sweet treats for two days. We would love for every staff member to receive a $5 gift card as a “thank you” and will send out a sign-up genius after Thanksgiving break for those willing to purchase and donate. As always, please contact the PTO Chair Committee with any questions or sponsorship interests at If you haven't joined our PTO, it's not too late! Please visit the following link, to join. As always, thank you for supporting the staff and students of PHS through your PTO contributions!
CLASS OF 2025 INFORMATION: You can find Senior Information on our Class of 2025 school webpage: For up-to-date information regarding scholarships, financial aid, and college information, please visit our Counseling webpage! Go to the Piedmont HS website go to Student Life in the upper right corner and click on Counseling. There are many resources available, specifically under the College Resources and Scholarships tab along the left-side menu. This page will be updated regularly as we receive important information for your senior as well as scholarship opportunities throughout the year. Be sure to scroll down the page to catch all of the information available for you and your senior. Please reach out to our Counseling office if you have any questions.
GRADUATION CEREMONY: Monday, June 9, 2025 at 8:00 p.m. In the PHS Stadium.
ATTENDANCE REPORTING (NEW PROCEDURE FOR 2024-2025): UCPS has created an online system for reporting all student absences. UCPS Absence Reporting Form is linked here. You must set up an account in order to report absences this year. There is a way to upload medical/court documents in this form as well. ONLY parents are permitted to set up an absence reporting account and the email used MUST match the parent email on record with the school, or the account will be deleted along with any absences reported. Please be sure that you are using the email account that we send our weekly Connect Ed message to each week.
MORNING ARRIVAL: Our building opens at 8:00 a.m. for all students. For those arriving before 8:00, our cafeteria will be open at 7:30. Students may enter through the glass doors between the cafeteria and the auditorium. All car riders must be dropped off using the Love Mill Rd entrance. DO NOT drop off students using the Sikes Mill Rd. entrance.
BUS RIDERS: Thank you for your patience as we continue to refine our bus routes. Please understand that driver shortages may cause daily changes to our bus routes. We encourage all bus riders to download the Edulog Parent Portal app for the most up-to-date information for bus arrivals/departures. You can find additional information on the UCPS webpage located here: Students will also have the opportunity to meet with an Assistant Principal during lunches to confirm their afternoon bus route.
STUDENT PARKING: As a reminder, all students who park on campus must have 24-25 Piedmont High School parking pass. There are still parking spaces available in the Stadium Lot. Please visit the Student Parking page on our school website to purchase. Any student who parks on campus without a pass will be subject to fines. It is important for all students to park in their assigned parking spots every day. If you have any parking questions, please get in touch with Amanda Starnes at or 704-296-3170.
STUDENT BREAKFAST & LUNCH: The federal waiver granting all students free breakfast and lunch has expired. We encourage all families to complete the free/reduced lunch form found here: If students have not been approved for free/reduced lunch, they are expected to pay for their lunch until they are approved. Families are able to pre-pay for lunch accounts and check student balances using the K12 Payment Center website, which can be found here:
TECHNOLOGY: Students who do not have their new laptops will have an opportunity to receive their laptops on the first day of school. As a reminder, UCPS has implemented a $30 tech fee for all students. You may pay online for the 2024-2025 Piedmont High Tech Fee Link or at the school by cash or check. If you qualify for free and reduced lunch, you will receive a tech fee waiver once you have submitted a copy of the lunch approval letter to our Bookkeeper, Gini Wilson.
STUDENT NEWS AND WEEKLY CALENDAR OF EVENTS: At the beginning of each week, Piedmont High will publish a brief document of weekly events and updates. Please click the following link to see all the activities taking place at Piedmont. Again, the link will update on the first Instructional day of each week. Student News and Weekly Event Calendar Link.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call Piedmont High at 704-296-3170. Thank you and have a great evening.
Connect Ed 11/17/2024
Below you will find our weekly updates and reminders.
PIEDMONT FFA HOLIDAY FUNDRAISERS: Piedmont FFA is selling fresh Frasier Fir Holiday Wreaths to help raise funds for various trips and pay for expenses required for students to compete. These wreaths are also supporting an FFA Alumni family who was affected by Hurricane Helene in Avery County, NC. If you would like to purchase a wreath please contact Laura Gardner at or by filling out the form: Order must be placed by November 20th. Piedmont Ag Mechanics classes have been working hard to design some wooden Holiday trees to add to your decorations this year! Trees are approx. 2 feet tall and offered in several different colors. We can also customize (i.e. with or without a star, lights, etc.) See below for prices. All orders are due by November 20th! Prices: -Natural (no paint, no lights, etc.) - $20 -Painted/Stained- $30 -Painted/stained with lights- $40 If you would like to purchase multiple trees, please fill out a form for each request. The form can be found here: Holiday Tree Order Form. Please email: with any questions. Thank you for your support!
ATTENDANCE RECOVERY: Daily attendance is one of the most important aspects of a successful academic and social career for high school students. UCPS Board of Education policy states that any student with more than 7 unexcused absences in a class will NOT receive academic credit for the class unless the student participates in the school-based attendance recovery process. Piedmont High has begun the attendance recovery process for the fall semester. Please review your student's attendance in PowerSchool and ensure they are within their designated attendance limits. The Attendance Recovery schedule can be found on our school webpage under Quicklinks or by using the following link: Students are responsible for their own transportation for any afterschool hours.
ACT WORKKEYS: ACT WorkKeys testing will take place on Tuesday, November 19th, and Thursday, November 21st for select seniors. This is a mandatory test, that measures the essential work skills needed for success in jobs across industries and occupations. Please check your emails for Ms. Speck's communication regarding the selected testers and testing dates.
ONE DAY, ONE PANTHER: Piedmont High will host our One Day, One Panther activity on Friday, November 22nd. One Day, One Panther is a schoolwide initiative to allow all students an opportunity to collaborate in a community service project. All students will participate in creating and collecting various items for distribution within our community and state. Please email your student’s 4th block teacher with any questions about specific donation items.
SOCIAL SECURITY APPLICATION FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN STUDENTS: UCPS will host an online seminar with a representative from the Social Security Administration will guide parents through the process of applying for SSI for their disabled child. SSI provides monthly payments to individuals with disabilities or older adults with limited income. There will also be an opportunity for parents to ask questions and gather information for future applications. Register Here.
CLASS OF 2025 INFORMATION: You can find Senior Information on our Class of 2025 school webpage: For up-to-date information regarding scholarships, financial aid, and college information, please visit our Counseling webpage! Go to the Piedmont HS website go to Student Life in the upper right corner and click on Counseling. There are many resources available, specifically under the College Resources and Scholarships tab along the left-side menu. This page will be updated regularly as we receive important information for your senior as well as scholarship opportunities throughout the year. Be sure to scroll down the page to catch all of the information available for you and your senior. Please reach out to our Counseling office if you have any questions.
GRADUATION CEREMONY: Monday, June 9, 2025 at 8:00 p.m. In the PHS Stadium.
ATTENDANCE REPORTING (NEW PROCEDURE FOR 2024-2025): UCPS has created an online system for reporting all student absences. UCPS Absence Reporting Form is linked here. You must set up an account in order to report absences this year. There is a way to upload medical/court documents in this form as well. ONLY parents are permitted to set up an absence reporting account and the email used MUST match the parent email on record with the school, or the account will be deleted along with any absences reported. Please be sure that you are using the email account that we send our weekly Connect Ed message to each week.
MORNING ARRIVAL: Our building opens at 8:00 a.m. for all students. For those arriving before 8:00, our cafeteria will be open at 7:30. Students may enter through the glass doors between the cafeteria and the auditorium. All car riders must be dropped off using the Love Mill Rd entrance. DO NOT drop off students using the Sikes Mill Rd. entrance.
BUS RIDERS: Thank you for your patience as we continue to refine our bus routes. Please understand that driver shortages may cause daily changes to our bus routes. We encourage all bus riders to download the Edulog Parent Portal app for the most up-to-date information for bus arrivals/departures. You can find additional information on the UCPS webpage located here: Students will also have the opportunity to meet with an Assistant Principal during lunches to confirm their afternoon bus route.
STUDENT PARKING: As a reminder, all students who park on campus must have 24-25 Piedmont High School parking pass. There are still parking spaces available in the Stadium Lot. Please visit the Student Parking page on our school website to purchase. Any student who parks on campus without a pass will be subject to fines. It is important for all students to park in their assigned parking spots every day. If you have any parking questions, please get in touch with Amanda Starnes at or 704-296-3170.
STUDENT BREAKFAST & LUNCH: The federal waiver granting all students free breakfast and lunch has expired. We encourage all families to complete the free/reduced lunch form found here: If students have not been approved for free/reduced lunch, they are expected to pay for their lunch until they are approved. Families are able to pre-pay for lunch accounts and check student balances using the K12 Payment Center website, which can be found here:
TECHNOLOGY: Students who do not have their new laptops will have an opportunity to receive their laptops on the first day of school. As a reminder, UCPS has implemented a $30 tech fee for all students. You may pay online for the 2024-2025 Piedmont High Tech Fee Link or at the school by cash or check. If you qualify for free and reduced lunch, you will receive a tech fee waiver once you have submitted a copy of the lunch approval letter to our Bookkeeper, Gini Wilson.
STUDENT NEWS AND WEEKLY CALENDAR OF EVENTS: At the beginning of each week, Piedmont High will publish a brief document of weekly events and updates. Please click the following link to see all the activities taking place at Piedmont. Again, the link will update on the first Instructional day of each week. Student News and Weekly Event Calendar Link.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call Piedmont High at 704-296-3170. Thank you and have a great evening.
Connect Ed 11/10/2024
Below you will find our weekly updates and reminders.
WEEKLY SCHEDULE CHANGE: All UCPS schools will be closed on Monday, November 11th in observance of Veterans Day.
PIEDMONT FFA HOLIDAY WREATHS: Piedmont FFA is selling fresh Frasier Fir Holiday Wreaths to help raise funds for various trips and pay for expenses required for students to compete. These wreaths are also supporting an FFA Alumni family who was affected by Hurricane Helene in Avery County, NC. If you would like to purchase a wreath please contact Laura Gardner at or by filling out the form: Order must be placed by November 20th.
CAREER AND COLLEGE PROMISE SPRING REGISTRATION: CCP registration for eligible 11th and 12th-grade students began on 10/28. To apply, go to Contact our SPCC Career Coach, Candice Sturdivant at with questions.
CLASS OF 2025 INFORMATION: You can find Senior Information on our Class of 2025 school webpage: For up-to-date information regarding scholarships, financial aid, and college information, please visit our Counseling webpage! Go to the Piedmont HS website go to Student Life in the upper right corner and click on Counseling. There are many resources available, specifically under the College Resources and Scholarships tab along the left-side menu. This page will be updated regularly as we receive important information for your senior as well as scholarship opportunities throughout the year. Be sure to scroll down the page to catch all of the information available for you and your senior. Please reach out to our Counseling office if you have any questions.
GRADUATION CEREMONY: Monday, June 9, 2025 at 8:00 p.m. In the PHS Stadium.
ATTENDANCE REPORTING (NEW PROCEDURE FOR 2024-2025): UCPS has created an online system for reporting all student absences. UCPS Absence Reporting Form is linked here. You must set up an account in order to report absences this year. There is a way to upload medical/court documents in this form as well. ONLY parents are permitted to set up an absence reporting account and the email used MUST match the parent email on record with the school, or the account will be deleted along with any absences reported. Please be sure that you are using the email account that we send our weekly Connect Ed message to each week.
MORNING ARRIVAL: Our building opens at 8:00 a.m. for all students. For those arriving before 8:00, our cafeteria will be open at 7:30. Students may enter through the glass doors between the cafeteria and the auditorium. All car riders must be dropped off using the Love Mill Rd entrance. DO NOT drop off students using the Sikes Mill Rd. entrance.
BUS RIDERS: Thank you for your patience as we continue to refine our bus routes. Please understand that driver shortages may cause daily changes to our bus routes. We encourage all bus riders to download the Edulog Parent Portal app for the most up-to-date information for bus arrivals/departures. You can find additional information on the UCPS webpage located here: Students will also have the opportunity to meet with an Assistant Principal during lunches to confirm their afternoon bus route.
STUDENT PARKING: As a reminder, all students who park on campus must have 24-25 Piedmont High School parking pass. There are still parking spaces available in the Stadium Lot. Please visit the Student Parking page on our school website to purchase. Any student who parks on campus without a pass will be subject to fines. It is important for all students to park in their assigned parking spots every day. If you have any parking questions, please get in touch with Amanda Starnes at or 704-296-3170.
STUDENT BREAKFAST & LUNCH: The federal waiver granting all students free breakfast and lunch has expired. We encourage all families to complete the free/reduced lunch form found here: If students have not been approved for free/reduced lunch, they are expected to pay for their lunch until they are approved. Families are able to pre-pay for lunch accounts and check student balances using the K12 Payment Center website, which can be found here:
TECHNOLOGY: Students who do not have their new laptops will have an opportunity to receive their laptops on the first day of school. As a reminder, UCPS has implemented a $30 tech fee for all students. You may pay online for the 2024-2025 Piedmont High Tech Fee Link or at the school by cash or check. If you qualify for free and reduced lunch, you will receive a tech fee waiver once you have submitted a copy of the lunch approval letter to our Bookkeeper, Gini Wilson.
STUDENT NEWS AND WEEKLY CALENDAR OF EVENTS: At the beginning of each week, Piedmont High will publish a brief document of weekly events and updates. Please click the following link to see all the activities taking place at Piedmont. Again, the link will update on the first Instructional day of each week. Student News and Weekly Event Calendar Link.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call Piedmont High at 704-296-3170. Thank you and have a great evening.
Connect Ed 11/3/2024
WEEKLY SCHEDULE CHANGE: Tuesday, November 5th is a Teacher Work Day. There will be no school for students on Tuesday. We will return to a normal schedule on Wednesday, November 6th.
CAREER AND COLLEGE PROMISE SPRING REGISTRATION: CCP registration for eligible 11th and 12th-grade students began on 10/28. To apply, go to Contact our SPCC Career Coach, Candice Sturdivant at with questions.
CLASS OF 2025 INFORMATION: You can find Senior Information on our Class of 2025 school webpage: For up-to-date information regarding scholarships, financial aid, and college information, please visit our Counseling webpage! Go to the Piedmont HS website go to Student Life in the upper right corner and click on Counseling. There are many resources available, specifically under the College Resources and Scholarships tab along the left-side menu. This page will be updated regularly as we receive important information for your senior as well as scholarship opportunities throughout the year. Be sure to scroll down the page to catch all of the information available for you and your senior. Please reach out to our Counseling office if you have any questions.
GRADUATION CEREMONY: Monday, June 9, 2025 at 8:00 p.m. In the PHS Stadium.
NC GOVERNOR’S SCHOOL: The Governor's School is a 4-week residential program to build a learning community where students are encouraged to explore and ask questions, with the purpose of learning for its own sake and discovering new possibilities. Governor's School applications are currently being accepted through November 6, 2024. Please contact Ms. Whitley in the counseling office for more information,
ATTENDANCE REPORTING (NEW PROCEDURE FOR 2024-2025): UCPS has created an online system for reporting all student absences. UCPS Absence Reporting Form is linked here. You must set up an account in order to report absences this year. There is a way to upload medical/court documents in this form as well. ONLY parents are permitted to set up an absence reporting account and the email used MUST match the parent email on record with the school, or the account will be deleted along with any absences reported. Please be sure that you are using the email account that we send our weekly Connect Ed message to each week.
MORNING ARRIVAL: Our building opens at 8:00 a.m. for all students. For those arriving before 8:00, our cafeteria will be open at 7:30. Students may enter through the glass doors between the cafeteria and the auditorium. All car riders must be dropped off using the Love Mill Rd entrance. DO NOT drop off students using the Sikes Mill Rd. entrance.
BUS RIDERS: Thank you for your patience as we continue to refine our bus routes. Please understand that driver shortages may cause daily changes to our bus routes. We encourage all bus riders to download the Edulog Parent Portal app for the most up-to-date information for bus arrivals/departures. You can find additional information on the UCPS webpage located here: Students will also have the opportunity to meet with an Assistant Principal during lunches to confirm their afternoon bus route.
STUDENT PARKING: As a reminder, all students who park on campus must have 24-25 Piedmont High School parking pass. There are still parking spaces available in the Stadium Lot. Please visit the Student Parking page on our school website to purchase. Any student who parks on campus without a pass will be subject to fines. It is important for all students to park in their assigned parking spots every day. If you have any parking questions, please get in touch with Amanda Starnes at or 704-296-3170.
STUDENT BREAKFAST & LUNCH: The federal waiver granting all students free breakfast and lunch has expired. We encourage all families to complete the free/reduced lunch form found here: If students have not been approved for free/reduced lunch, they are expected to pay for their lunch until they are approved. Families are able to pre-pay for lunch accounts and check student balances using the K12 Payment Center website, which can be found here:
TECHNOLOGY: Students who do not have their new laptops will have an opportunity to receive their laptops on the first day of school. As a reminder, UCPS has implemented a $30 tech fee for all students. You may pay online for the 2024-2025 Piedmont High Tech Fee Link or at the school by cash or check. If you qualify for free and reduced lunch, you will receive a tech fee waiver once you have submitted a copy of the lunch approval letter to our Bookkeeper, Gini Wilson.
STUDENT NEWS AND WEEKLY CALENDAR OF EVENTS: At the beginning of each week, Piedmont High will publish a brief document of weekly events and updates. Please click the following link to see all the activities taking place at Piedmont. Again, the link will update on the first Instructional day of each week. Student News and Weekly Event Calendar Link.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call Piedmont High at 704-296-3170. Thank you and have a great evening.
Connect Ed 10/27/2024
CAREER AND COLLEGE PROMISE SPRING REGISTRATION: CCP registration for eligible 11th and 12th-grade students will begin on 10/28. To apply, go to Contact our SPCC Career Coach, Candice Sturdivant at with questions.
CLASS OF 2025 INFORMATION: You can find Senior Information on our Class of 2025 school webpage: For up-to-date information regarding scholarships, financial aid, and college information, please visit our Counseling webpage! Go to the Piedmont HS website go to Student Life in the upper right corner and click on Counseling. There are many resources available, specifically under the College Resources and Scholarships tab along the left-side menu. This page will be updated regularly as we receive important information for your senior as well as scholarship opportunities throughout the year. Be sure to scroll down the page to catch all of the information available for you and your senior. Please reach out to our Counseling office if you have any questions.
SENIOR YEARBOOK ADS: The deadline to purchase senior ads is October 31, 2024, or until they sell out. Take a look at Piedmont's website for all the details. Click on "Student Life" and then scroll down to "Yearbook".
GRADUATION CEREMONY: Monday, June 9, 2025 at 8:00 p.m. In the PHS Stadium.
ASVAB: Is your student interested in taking the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) test? This is a required test to enlist in the military but taking the test will in no way obligate them to join. The test will be given at Piedmont High School on Wednesday, November 6th at 8:00 am and is open to all 10th-12th grade students. Complete the form here to sign up. or contact Maj Richardson at
NC Governor’s School: The Governor's School is a 4-week residential program to build a learning community where students are encouraged to explore and ask questions, with the purpose of learning for its own sake and discovering new possibilities. Governor's School applications are currently being accepted through November 6, 2024. Please contact Ms. Whitley in the counseling office for more information,
ATTENDANCE REPORTING (NEW PROCEDURE FOR 2024-2025): UCPS has created an online system for reporting all student absences. UCPS Absence Reporting Form is linked here. You must set up an account in order to report absences this year. There is a way to upload medical/court documents in this form as well. ONLY parents are permitted to set up an absence reporting account and the email used MUST match the parent email on record with the school, or the account will be deleted along with any absences reported. Please be sure that you are using the email account that we send our weekly Connect Ed message to each week.
PTO INFORMATION: We apologize as the PTO email provided last week was incorrect. Please use the following email to communicate with the PHS PTO Chair Committee, Thank you for making the first dine-out night of the school year at Hathaway's Chicken a success! Don't forget the next dine-out night is October 15th at Zaxby's in Monroe, where 10% of sales will go back to the PHS PTO! If you haven't joined our PTO, it's not too late! Please visit the following link, to join or purchase a Spirit Wear shirt from our remaining, very limited inventory. As always, thank you for supporting the staff and students of PHS through your PTO contributions!
MORNING ARRIVAL: Our building opens at 8:00 a.m. for all students. For those arriving before 8:00, our cafeteria will be open at 7:30. Students may enter through the glass doors between the cafeteria and the auditorium. All car riders must be dropped off using the Love Mill Rd entrance. DO NOT drop off students using the Sikes Mill Rd. entrance.
BUS RIDERS: Thank you for your patience as we continue to refine our bus routes. Please understand that driver shortages may cause daily changes to our bus routes. We encourage all bus riders to download the Edulog Parent Portal app for the most up-to-date information for bus arrivals/departures. You can find additional information on the UCPS webpage located here: Students will also have the opportunity to meet with an Assistant Principal during lunches to confirm their afternoon bus route.
STUDENT PARKING: As a reminder, all students who park on campus must have 24-25 Piedmont High School parking pass. There are still parking spaces available in the Stadium Lot. Please visit the Student Parking page on our school website to purchase. Any student who parks on campus without a pass will be subject to fines. It is important for all students to park in their assigned parking spots every day. If you have any parking questions, please get in touch with Amanda Starnes at or 704-296-3170.
STUDENT BREAKFAST & LUNCH: The federal waiver granting all students free breakfast and lunch has expired. We encourage all families to complete the free/reduced lunch form found here: If students have not been approved for free/reduced lunch, they are expected to pay for their lunch until they are approved. Families are able to pre-pay for lunch accounts and check student balances using the K12 Payment Center website, which can be found here:
TECHNOLOGY: Students who do not have their new laptops will have an opportunity to receive their laptops on the first day of school. As a reminder, UCPS has implemented a $30 tech fee for all students. You may pay online for the 2024-2025 Piedmont High Tech Fee Link or at the school by cash or check. If you qualify for free and reduced lunch, you will receive a tech fee waiver once you have submitted a copy of the lunch approval letter to our Bookkeeper, Gini Wilson.
STUDENT NEWS AND WEEKLY CALENDAR OF EVENTS: At the beginning of each week, Piedmont High will publish a brief document of weekly events and updates. Please click the following link to see all the activities taking place at Piedmont. Again, the link will update on the first Instructional day of each week. Student News and Weekly Event Calendar Link.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call Piedmont High at 704-296-3170. Thank you and have a great evening.
Connect Ed 10/20/2024
Good evening, Piedmont Families-
Below you will find our weekly updates and reminders.
WEEKLY SCHEDULE: On Tuesday, October 22th Piedmont High will participate in 2 national tests, the Pre-ACT for all 10th graders and the PSAT for select juniors. Students and Parents have been notified through previous emails about testing information and specifics. Please continue to check your emails for updated information and reminders from Ms. Speck. If you have any questions, please contact her at
NC COLLEGE APPLICATION WEEK: College application week is October 21-27, when many NC colleges and community colleges will waive application fees. For more information, please visit
CAREER AND COLLEGE PROMISE SPRING REGISTRATION: CCP registration for eligible 11th and 12th-grade students will begin on 10/28. To apply, go to Contact our SPCC Career Coach, Candice Sturdivant at with questions.
CLASS OF 2025 INFORMATION: You can find Senior Information on our Class of 2025 school webpage: For up-to-date information regarding scholarships, financial aid, and college information, please visit our Counseling webpage! Go to the Piedmont HS website go to Student Life in the upper right corner and click on Counseling. There are many resources available, specifically under the College Resources and Scholarships tab along the left-side menu. This page will be updated regularly as we receive important information for your senior as well as scholarship opportunities throughout the year. Be sure to scroll down the page to catch all of the information available for you and your senior. Please reach out to our Counseling office if you have any questions!
SENIOR CAP AND GOWN ORDERS: Have you ordered your cap and gown yet? It's important that you complete your order online as soon as possible. If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Guignard or Mrs. Pitt.
Do you just want to order the cap and gown? CLICK THIS LINK TO TAKE YOU DIRECTLY TO THAT ITEM
Do you want to order the Panther Package? CLICK THIS LINK TO TAKE YOU TO THE PACKAGE
SENIOR YEARBOOK ADS: The deadline to purchase senior ads is October 31, 2024, or until they sell out. Take a look at Piedmont's website for all the details. Click on "Student Life" and then scroll down to "Yearbook".
GRADUATION CEREMONY: Monday, June 9, 2025 at 8:00 p.m. In the PHS Stadium
ASVAB: Is your student interested in taking the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) test? This is a required test to enlist in the military but taking the test will in no way obligate them to join. The test will be given at Piedmont High School on Wednesday, November 6th at 8:00 am and is open to all 10th-12th grade students. Complete the form here to sign up. or contact Maj Richardson at
NC Governor’s School: The Governor's School is a 4-week residential program to build a learning community where students are encouraged to explore and ask questions, with the purpose of learning for its own sake and discovering new possibilities. Governor's School applications are currently being accepted through November 6, 2024. Please contact Ms. Whitley in the counseling office for more information,
ATTENDANCE REPORTING (NEW PROCEDURE FOR 2024-2025): UCPS has created an online system for reporting all student absences. UCPS Absence Reporting Form is linked here. You must set up an account in order to report absences this year. There is a way to upload medical/court documents in this form as well. ONLY parents are permitted to set up an absence reporting account and the email used MUST match the parent email on record with the school, or the account will be deleted along with any absences reported. Please be sure that you are using the email account that we send our weekly Connect Ed message to each week.
PTO INFORMATION: We apologize as the PTO email provided last week was incorrect. Please use the following email to communicate with the PHS PTO Chair Committee, If you haven't joined our PTO, it's not too late! Please visit the following link, to join or purchase a Spirit Wear shirt from our remaining, very limited inventory. As always, thank you for supporting the staff and students of PHS through your PTO contributions!
MORNING ARRIVAL: Our building opens at 8:00 a.m. for all students. For those arriving before 8:00, our cafeteria will be open at 7:30. Students may enter through the glass doors between the cafeteria and the auditorium. All car riders must be dropped off using the Love Mill Rd entrance. DO NOT drop off students using the Sikes Mill Rd. entrance.
BUS RIDERS: Thank you for your patience as we continue to refine our bus routes. Please understand that driver shortages may cause daily changes to our bus routes. We encourage all bus riders to download the Edulog Parent Portal app for the most up-to-date information for bus arrivals/departures. You can find additional information on the UCPS webpage located here: Students will also have the opportunity to meet with an Assistant Principal during lunches to confirm their afternoon bus route.
STUDENT PARKING: As a reminder, all students who park on campus must have 24-25 Piedmont High School parking pass. There are still parking spaces available in the Stadium Lot. Please visit the Student Parking page on our school website to purchase. Any student who parks on campus without a pass will be subject to fines. It is important for all students to park in their assigned parking spots every day. If you have any parking questions, please get in touch with Amanda Starnes at or 704-296-3170.
STUDENT BREAKFAST & LUNCH: The federal waiver granting all students free breakfast and lunch has expired. We encourage all families to complete the free/reduced lunch form found here: If students have not been approved for free/reduced lunch, they are expected to pay for their lunch until they are approved. Families are able to pre-pay for lunch accounts and check student balances using the K12 Payment Center website, which can be found here:
TECHNOLOGY: Students who do not have their new laptops will have an opportunity to receive their laptops on the first day of school. As a reminder, UCPS has implemented a $30 tech fee for all students. You may pay online 2024-2025 Piedmont High Tech Fee Link or at the school by cash or check. If you qualify for free and reduced lunch, you will receive a tech fee waiver once you have submitted a copy of the lunch approval letter to our Bookkeeper, Gini Wilson.
Connect Ed 10/13/2024
Thank you for another great week at Piedmont High School. Below you will find our weekly updates and reminders. Parents, we have seen an increase in parents dropping students off in the Senior parking lot (Sikes Mill entrance). All students should be dropped off using the Love Mill entrance by our football stadium. Any student arriving prior to 8:00 am will need to report directly to the Cafeteria and remain in the Cafeteria until 8:00 am. Thank you for assisting us in providing a safe and secure location for your student prior to our faculty arrival time.
NC COLLEGE APPLICATION WEEK: College application week is October 21-27, where many NC colleges and community colleges will waive application fees. For more information, please visit
OTHER SENIOR INFORMATION: Below you will find several items for the Class of 2025 including our Graduation Date. You can also find Senior Information on our Class of 2025 school webpage: For up-to-date information regarding scholarships, financial aid, and college information, please visit our Counseling webpage! Go to the Piedmont HS website go to Student Life in the upper right corner and click on Counseling. There are many resources available, specifically under the College Resources and Scholarships tab along the left-side menu. This page will be updated regularly as we receive important information for your senior as well as scholarship opportunities throughout the year. Be sure to scroll down the page to catch all of the information available for you and your senior. Please reach out to our Counseling office if you have any questions!
SENIOR CAP AND GOWN ORDERS: Have you ordered your cap and gown yet? It's important that you complete your order online as soon as possible. If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Guignard or Mrs. Pitt.
Do you just want to order JUST the cap and gown? CLICK THIS LINK TO TAKE YOU DIRECTLY TO THAT ITEM
Do you want to order the Panther Package? CLICK THIS LINK TO TAKE YOU TO THE PACKAGE
SENIOR YEARBOOK ADS: The deadline to purchase senior ads is October 31, 2024, or until they sell out. Take a look at Piedmont's website for all the details. Click on "Student Life" and then scroll down to "Yearbook".
GRADUATION CEREMONY: Monday, June 9, 2025 at 8:00 p.m. In the PHS Stadium
ASVAB: Is your student interested in taking the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) test? This is a required test to enlist in the military but taking the test will in no way obligate them to join. The test will be given at Piedmont High School on Wednesday, November 6th at 8:00 am and is open to all 10th-12th grade students. Complete the form here to sign up. or contact Maj Richardson at
NC Governor’s School: The Governor's School is a 4-week residential program to build a learning community where students are encouraged to explore and ask questions, with the purpose of learning for its own sake and discovering new possibilities. Governor's School applications are currently being accepted through November 6, 2024. Please contact Ms. Whitley in the counseling office for more information,
ATTENDANCE REPORTING (NEW PROCEDURE FOR 2024-2025): UCPS has created an online system for reporting all student absences. UCPS Absence Reporting Form is linked here. You must set up an account in order to report absences this year. There is a way to upload medical/court documents in this form as well. ONLY parents are permitted to set up an absence reporting account and the email used MUST match the parent email on record with the school, or the account will be deleted along with any absences reported. Please be sure that you are using the email account that we send our weekly Connect Ed message to each week.
PTO INFORMATION: We apologize as the PTO email provided last week was incorrect. Please use the following email to communicate with the PHS PTO Chair Committee, Thank you for making the first dine-out night of the school year at Hathaway's Chicken a success! Don't forget the next dine-out night is October 15th at Zaxby's in Monroe, where 10% of sales will go back to the PHS PTO! If you haven't joined our PTO, it's not too late! Please visit the following link, to join or purchase a Spirit Wear shirt from our remaining, very limited inventory. As always, thank you for supporting the staff and students of PHS through your PTO contributions!
MORNING ARRIVAL: Our building opens at 8:00 a.m. for all students. For those arriving before 8:00, our cafeteria will be open at 7:30. Students may enter through the glass doors between the cafeteria and the auditorium. All car riders must be dropped off using the Love Mill Rd entrance. DO NOT drop off students using the Sikes Mill Rd. entrance.
BUS RIDERS: Thank you for your patience as we continue to refine our bus routes. Please understand that driver shortages may cause daily changes to our bus routes. We encourage all bus riders to download the Edulog Parent Portal app for the most up-to-date information for bus arrivals/departures. You can find additional information on the UCPS webpage located here: Students will also have the opportunity to meet with an Assistant Principal during lunches to confirm their afternoon bus route.
STUDENT PARKING: As a reminder, all students who park on campus must have 24-25 Piedmont High School parking pass. There are still parking spaces available in the Stadium Lot. Please visit the Student Parking page on our school website to purchase. Any student who parks on campus without a pass will be subject to fines. It is important for all students to park in their assigned parking spots every day. If you have any parking questions, please get in touch with Amanda Starnes at or 704-296-3170.
STUDENT BREAKFAST & LUNCH: The federal waiver granting all students free breakfast and lunch has expired. We encourage all families to complete the free/reduced lunch form found here: If students have not been approved for free/reduced lunch, they are expected to pay for their lunch until they are approved. Families are able to pre-pay for lunch accounts and check student balances using the K12 Payment Center website found here:
TECHNOLOGY: Students who do not have their new laptops will have an opportunity to receive their laptops on the first day of school. As a reminder, UCPS has implemented a $30 tech fee for all students. You may pay online 2024-2025 Piedmont High Tech Fee Link or at the school by cash or check. If you qualify for free and reduced lunch, you will receive a tech fee waiver once you have submitted a copy of the lunch approval letter to our Bookkeeper, Gini Wilson.
STUDENT NEWS AND WEEKLY CALENDAR OF EVENTS: At the beginning of each week, Piedmont High will publish a brief document of weekly events and updates. Please click the following link to see all the activities taking place at Piedmont. Again, the link will update on the first Instructional day of each week. Student News and Weekly Event Calendar Link.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call Piedmont High at 704-296-3170. Thank you and have a great evening.