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Information for the Class of 2025
Piedmont High’s Graduation Ceremony
- Monday, June 9, 2025 at 8:00 p.m.
- Piedmont High School Stadium
Link to document that was sent home with all Seniors 12/6/2024 - Graduation Reminders
It's very important that you order cap and gowns as soon as possible. If you choose to wait OR forget, the
price goes UP and UP and you will not receive your items on the school delivery day in the spring.
The only item that is required for graduation is the cap, gown, and tassel unit. There are other packages and
items available for purchase. Please see Mrs. Guignard or Mrs. Pitt if you have financial concerns.
Do you still need to order your cap and gown??? Scan the QR code below to order!- An assembly will be held on Wednesday, October 2 during Panther Time in the PHS auditorium. This assembly will allow seniors to obtain brochures and order forms for their cap and gown, announcements, and other senior memorabilia. Our Josten’s representative, Chris Gaither, will be present at the assembly.
- Mr. Gaither will be on campus during ALL lunches on Tuesday, October 8. Seniors should plan to place their order for graduation items during their lunch OR place your order online using the information provided at the assembly. It is very important that students order their caps and gowns on this day. The longer students wait the more the cap and gown will cost.
- If you do not place your order with the class by Tuesday, October 8, there is no guarantee that you will have the graduation items for cap and gown picture day.
- All Josten’s items will be delivered to the school in the spring.
- If you flex and cannot be on campus for the assembly, please see Mrs. Guignard or Mrs. Pitt.
- The only items that you must purchase to participate in graduation are the cap, gown, and tassel. Remember - if you order late, your items will be delivered at a later date AND the cost will increase.
Two Options for Graduation
- Attend the school-wide stadium graduation on June 11th.
- If you choose not to participate in the stadium graduation, you may schedule a time with the office to pick up your diploma after June 11th.
Graduation Tickets
- All school issued items (ex. Laptop, hot spot, calculator, library books, textbooks, etc..) must be returned AND all fees must be paid in order to collect the graduation tickets and participate in the ceremony.
- Each graduate is allowed only eight (8) guests. Tickets can be picked up by the senior at the conclusion of graduation practice. Each senior must complete their checklist of items and submit it before tickets will be issued.
- Fees should be paid to Ms. Gini Wilson - Pay online (link available under Quick Links on the PHS website) or exact change if paying cash.
- Every single person must present a ticket to enter the stadium, which includes all children, regardless of age. Babies will need a ticket. The Graduate will NOT need a ticket.
- The seating is general admission.
Cap & Gown
Use the information linked below to place your order online or by phone. The deadline to order as a class is October 8.
- All Josten’s graduation items will be distributed at Piedmont on TBD during all lunches.
Please plan to stop by the lobby of the gym/auditorium to pick up your order during your lunch. - If you flex, you may plan to pick up your order at the end of 2nd block before you leave campus.
- If you are an early graduate, you will need to check in at the front office to pick up your order during the
designated time or contact Mrs. Guignard for a later pick up date. - If you are unable to pick up your order, see or email Mrs. Guignard (Room K18) or Mrs. Pitt
(Room K14) to arrange delivery of your order at a later date. - Still need to order your cap and gown? The only item that you must purchase to participate in
graduation is the cap, gown, and tassel. If you missed the online order deadline for the cap/gown and
graduation gear, you should call Jostens at 1- 800-567-8367 as soon as possible. Remember - if you
ordered late, your items will be delivered at a later date. - Please make contact with Mrs. Guignard or Mrs. Pitt if you have any questions or concerns.
Stadium Ceremony Guidelines
- Gates to the stadium will open at 7:00 p.m. All graduates will enter the cafeteria outdoor entrance on the parking lot side at 7:00 p.m. to begin the check-in process with your homeroom teacher.
- With each senior receiving eight (8) tickets, please be advised that parking will be very limited. It is recommended that all family/friends carpool. Graduates are to leave their phone, handbag, and personal items in the car or with your guests. You CANNOT carry your personal items during the graduation ceremony.
- Graduates should report directly to the cafeteria and locate your homeroom teacher. Honor cords will be distributed by your Homeroom teacher for the following: Summa Cum Laude (4.25 GPA and higher), Magna Cum Laude (4.0 to 4.24 GPA), Cum Laude (3.75 to 3.99 GPA), North Carolina Scholar, and North Carolina Global Scholar. CTE Academy cords will also be distributed.
- Graduates are only allowed to wear the following school issued cords and recognitions: Summa Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, Cum Laude, NC Scholar, NAHS, NC Global Scholar, NHS Stole, Japanese NHS Stole, and CTE cords. No other cords or stoles will be allowed. NHS Stoles should be picked up before the graduation ceremony day.
- There will be a designated handicapped parking section at the entrance of the stadium.
- There will be three (3) entrances to the stadium. Your guests may use any of the entrances. The entrances will open at 7:00 p.m.
- Once admitted to the stadium, guests will not be allowed to exit and re-enter. Please make sure you have everything you need before entering the stadium. No balloons in the stadium.
- Guests should report to either the home side bleachers or visitors’ set of bleachers.
- Each graduate’s chair in the stadium will be reserved with a name card that contains important information regarding the ceremony. YOU MUST KEEP THE CARD AT ALL TIMES and carry the card on stage.
- Graduates will be assigned a “row teacher” that will assist with the diploma and ceremony instructions.
- LifeTouch will take photographs of the graduates as they walk across the stage AND as graduates exit the stage. These pictures will be made available for purchase by LifeTouch after the graduation ceremony. To access your graduation photos after the ceremony, you will be given a code to text
- At the conclusion of the ceremony, seniors will be dismissed by rows and should exit the stadium. The Graduation Marshals will assist in your dismissal.
- Seniors and guests should plan to meet at their car, as lingering in the stadium will not be permitted.
Graduation Dress Code
- Graduation is a very formal occasion; thus, we desire to uphold the standards that this occasion deserves for our seniors, the school, and the Piedmont Community.
- If clothing presents a problem, please see Mrs. Guignard or Mrs. Pitt. We want everyone to look their best and can assist as needed.
- The following is the required Graduate Dress for the day.
- Dark dress slacks
- Dark dress shoes - No sneakers
- White dress shirt
- Dark necktie or bowtie
- Cap, Gown, and Tassel on the right
- White dress hemmed shorter than graduation gown
- White dress shoes - flats or wedges are recommended due to field conditions - No sneakers. No heels.
- Natural (no hose)
- Cap, Gown, and Tassel on the right side (Girls should NOT attach the white collars to the gowns.)
- Graduation caps should not be decorated.
- The graduation ceremony will be live-streamed. The link is posted to the PHS website. Go to the “Quick Links” and click on “YouTube Live Stream Link”. You must subscribe to the PiedmontHSNC YouTube channel.
- Reminder, this is a formal ceremony and we ask that everyone be respectful to all graduates as their names are called.
Rehearsal Day
- Mark your calendars for Friday, June 6, 2025 for the Required Graduation Rehearsal.
- Attendance is required.
- All seniors absent from this practice will be placed at the end of the line at graduation.
- Graduation dress is not required for practice, although you should come dressed appropriately for a regular school day.
- All seniors will report to their homeroom class at 8:30 a.m. on Friday, June 6th.
- Graduation tickets will be distributed at the conclusion of practice.
- All school issued items (ex. Laptop, calculator, library books, textbooks, etc..) must be returned AND all fees must be paid in order to collect the graduation tickets and participate in the ceremony. More information regarding the collection of materials will be provided at a later date.
Graduation Ceremony
- Each Piedmont graduate is allowed only eight (8) guests. More information regarding picking up the
tickets will be provided at a later date. Every single person must present a ticket to enter the stadium,
which includes all children regardless of age. The graduate will NOT need a ticket. - UCPS will follow the latest health and safety guidelines from the North Carolina Health and Human
Services Department and the Union County Health Department. - In the event of severe weather, rain dates have been set to reschedule ceremonies. Principals will
communicate directly to Seniors and their families if the date of graduation is changed. - Stay tuned to Piedmont's social media pages and to student email for the latest updates on graduation
and Senior activities.
Cap & Gown Pictures
- We have scheduled TBD for individual cap and gown pictures. This picture is not required.
- More information will be provided (including order forms and sign up times).
- Lifetouch will also be at the graduation ceremony to take pictures as you walk across the stage.
More information on the Counseling page:
Email Address: or
School Number: 704-296-3170 (Ask for Jennifer Guignard)
PHS Website:
Check this page often for updates!
We look forward to working with each of you as we prepare for graduation in June. Please
do not hesitate to email any questions that you may have. We will assist with answering
questions and helping make this a wonderful graduation experience. JG & JP